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这是否意味着我们得重新分类直立人?Does this mean we'll have to reclassify homo erectus?

这样做的目的,据说,是为了将他们重新归类为新员工。The aim, allegedly, was to reclassify them as new employees.

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海关对产品重新分类的范围也缩小了。The latitude of customs to reclassify products was also reduced.

对检测率最高的特征,我们用基于核典型相关分析的分类器重新分类。For the best feature, we also use the classifier based on KCCA to reclassify it.

如果该网页的作者希望叙的网页时,他们只需要改变的清单标签。If the page's author wishes to reclassify the page, they need only change the list of tags.

2005年,他的一项重要发现引导科学家们将冥王星重新归类为矮行星。In 2005, he made a key discovery that led scientists to reclassify Pluto as a dwarf planet.

因此,该组织希望普利茅斯市在德文郡的城市理事会运用他们的权力对这些电影重新进行分级。Therefore, it wants the Plymouth City Council in Devon to use its powers to reclassify such films.

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不过,如果我们看到标普出现更具建设性的形态,我们将对上述判断作出修改。Although, we would reclassify it as something stronger if we see a more constructive pattern on the S&P chart.

可是,新法案把用口腔拭子取得的化验标本重新分类为非私人手段所取的样品,可以使用合理的强制手段来获取。The new ACT does, however, reclassify mouth swabs as non-intimate samples. Reasonable force may be used to take these.

由于零售储蓄膨胀,为了降低法定储备金比率,银行会把支票存款重新归类为储蓄存款。In retail deposit sweeping, banks reclassify checkable deposits as savings deposits so as to reduce statutory reserve requirements.

为了评价这个法则,我们应用它对我院原发性血管炎病人进行了重新分类。In order to evaluate this algorithm, the current study used the algorithm to reclassify the patients with AAV and PAN in our center.

去年10月,国际会计准则委员会屈从于欧盟改变条款的压力不经讨论而允许银行重新划分资产,在国际上反响很大。Last October the IASB provoked international uproar by bowing to EU pressure to change its rules without consultation to allow banks to reclassify assets.

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有鉴于此,本文试以概念整合理论作为依托,揭示英语双关语的意义构建机制,并对英语双关语进行分类。In view of this, this thesis attempts to make a tentative study of the meaning construction of English puns in the light of Conceptual Integration Theory and try to reclassify English puns.

对跨文化交际失误类型进行划分归类并通过典型事例进行分类说明,避免今后交际重复类似的失误,对今后成功交际和外语教学有一定的实际意义。Reclassify failure types in cross-cultural communication, and explain each type by examples. This helps people to avoid the similar failures and better cross-cultural communication in the future.