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他喜欢玩笑。He s fond of fun.

他爱好体育运动。He is fond of sports.

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她是一位慈母。She is a fond mother.

他好开玩笑。He is fond of jesting.

你爱吃海味吗?Be you fond of sea-food?

他非常喜欢文体活动。He's very fond of sport.

她喜欢出风头。She is fond of limelight.

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我们喜欢冰淇凌。We are fond of ice-cream.

您爱好梵净山茶叶吗?Are you fond of Fanjin tea?

她喜欢“小广播”。She is fond of broadcasting.

我们不喜欢这样的网站。We’re not fond of this site.

每一天都深爱着对方。Fond of each other every day.

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他极爱开玩笑。He is awfully fond of jesting.

他喜欢活泼的女孩。He is fond of vivacious girls.

你爱不爱吃呢,孩子?Are you fond of eating ,my boy?

我不怎么爱吃肉。I'm not especially fond of meat.

喜爱世俗的享乐。He is fond of worldly enjoyments.

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他喜爱世俗的享乐。He is fond of worldly enjoyments.

没几个人有那恶趣味吧?。I think few people is fond of it.

我们大家都非常喜欢她。We are all extremely fond of her.