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和谈开始,首先在开城,然后在板门店。Peace talks began, first at Kaesong, then at Panmunjom.

各方官员在板门店休战村会见。Officers from each side met at the truce village of Panmunjom.

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去年9月30日,朝韩双方曾在板门店举行军事会谈。Last Sept. 30, the two Koreas hold military talks in Panmunjom.

今年4月,北朝鲜的战士在板门店站岗。Here, North Korean soldiers stand guard in Panmunjom this April.

在非军事区板门店附近,北朝鲜人在田里干活儿。North Koreans work in the fields near Panmunjom in the demilitarized zone.

两国高层军事谈判在非军事区内的板门店举行。The two sides met in the border village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarized Zone.

新闻公报还说,将于15日通过板门店向朝鲜通报演习时间。Press also said to be 15 to North Korea through Panmunjom informed exercise time.

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朝鲜与韩国代表8日至9日在板门店举行军事工作会谈。Representatives of North and South Korea from 8 to 9, the military working talks at Panmunjom.

但是,正义取得了胜利,美国只得坐下来同我们在板门店谈判。However, justice triumphed, and the United States had to sit down and hold talks with us in Panmunjom.

至此,板门店红十字会联络业务和直通电话从今日起重新恢复正常。At this point, the Red Cross Panmunjom direct telephone contact businesses and returned to normal from today.

据韩联社报道,朝韩军事工作会谈预定于下月中旬在板门店举行。The inter-Korean working-level military talks will be held at Panmunjom in mid-February, Yonhap News Agency reported.

双方前代表在两国边境村庄板门店会晤时显得很友好。Pre- representatives from both countries appeared amicable as they met at the truth village of Panmunjom on the border.

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据韩联社报道,朝韩军事事务座谈预定于下月中旬在板门店举行。The inter-Korean working-level military tingks will stay held at Panmunjom in mid-February. Yonhap News Agency reported.

今年4月,在板门店北面,透过一个营房的窗口,北朝鲜的战士盯着向南看。North Korean soldiers keep watch, as seen through a window in one of the huts on the northern side of Panmunjom this April.

上个月,韩国统一部表示,他们已经在板门店的边界地区向朝鲜开启交流的通道。Last month, South Korea's Unification Ministry said it had reopened communication channels with North Korea in the border area of Panmunjom.

非军事区的板门店将朝韩两国分隔开来,一位美联社的摄影师在板门店称没有发现异常的紧张迹象。At Panmunjom in the Demilitarised Zone separating the two Koreas, an Associated Press photographer said there was no unusual tension visible.

双方的军官星期四将在划分该半岛的非军事区休战村板门店内会面,国防部说。Officers from the two sides were to meet Thursday in the truce village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarized Zone that divides the peninsula, the ministry said.

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韩国统一部一位有关负责人表示,韩国政府25日下午通过板门店红十字会渠道向朝方通报了上述内容。South Korean Unification Ministry official said a South Korean government through the afternoon of 25 channels to the DPRK Red Cross Society of Panmunjom informed above.

朝方已通知韩国现代集团向韩方企业转达朝方的这一决定,并通过板门店将这一决定通报了韩国当局。The DPRK has informed South Korea South Korea's Hyundai Group companies to convey to the DPRK's decision, and informed of this decision through Panmunjom Korean authorities.

来自南韩首尔的消息——一名国防部官员说星期三南北韩将于星期四在边境上的村举行军事对话。SEOUL, South Korea — An official with the Ministry of National Defense here said Wednesday that the two Koreas would hold military talks on Thursday morning at the border village of Panmunjom.