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我无法想像他是总统。I cannot envision him as president.

或者你也可以把傻瓜看成一个泡泡。Or you can envision the idiot in a bubble.

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有时,我们会想上帝是最终的终结者。Sometimes, we envision God as the ultimate party pooper.

普通人也许会把IT视为极客之家。The average person may envision IT as the home of the geek.

但是,敬虔父母所期望的远比这更伟大。If such things happen, fine_but godly parents envision much more.

把导体看成是大量受迫阻尼振动的振子的集合。Envision the conductor as an assemblage of driven, damped oscillators.

想象自己成功的情形,写下来,每日或每周阅读。Envision your success. Write about it. Then read that daily or weekly.

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但其他的想法,如太阳能的普遍使用,是很容易想象的。But others ideas, such as widespread solar power, are easy to envision.

但在我们讲堂接近尾声的时刻,告诉我您对您所有工作的设想吧。But in our last moments together, tell me how you envision all your work.

这些发明能够使资本家无法想象的事情成为可能。The inventions make possible things the capitalist owners cannot envision.

很难想象一个没有燧石枪的海盗,因此它的存在成为了必须。It's difficult to envision pirates without flintlocks, so they were a must.

好高骛远的人们会比较容易想到事情的结果。It is relatively easy to envision an outcome that results from thinking big.

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我能想象到这些或友善,或带敌意的精灵被卷入游戏中来。I could envision some nice sidequests involving friendly and hostile spirits.

我绞尽脑汁想搞清楚我不喝酒的这些日子我妻子是怎么藏酒的。I tried to envision where my wife had hidden the booze over all these dry days.

或许我能预想到最好的改进,就在于DLTK项目为Ruby提供的支持。aybe the best area I could envision improvement would be the DLTK Ruby project.

我们在做事之前,先要预想一下整个过程中有没有所谓的死扣。We in doing nothing, first is to envision the entire process have so-called hard.

首先,它可以被用来制定业务过程想象它将如何工作。First, it could be used to enact the business process to envision how it would work.

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我们可以设想这是在湖边暑假期间数月活动的枢纽。We can envision this as a hub of activity during the summer months on the lakefront.

远景能源是一家由海外风险投资基金发起成立的国际型绿色能源企业。Envision is an international Greentech enterprise backed up global private equity fund.

我们不能设想会有人救援托雷多,所以我们必须自己做。We didn't envision there would be some bailout of Toledo, so we had to do it ourselves.