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现实就是我们正在进入一个漫长的低水平经济增长期。The reality is we're in for a lengthy slog of below-trend growth.

在12年幸苦之后他们觉得也该放松了。After the slog of the previous12 years they feel they deserve a break.

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在前12年的辛苦之后,他们觉得自己理应得到休息。After the slog of the previous 12 years they feel they deserve a break.

在太平洋地区扫除所有的贸易壁垒是一项艰巨的任务。It will be a hard slog to sweep away all trade barriers across the Pacific.

丹麦的失业率依然较低,但高级雇员求职还是很艰难的。Unemployment remains relatively low, but for higher-rank employees it is a tough slog.

猛击出一个长球,竟把基尔达尔街俱乐部的玻璃窗给打碎了。Still Captain Buller broke a window in the Kildare street club with a slog to square leg.

然而主将布勒朝左方的外场守场员猛击出一个长球,竟把基尔达尔街俱乐部的玻璃窗给打碎了。Still captain buller broke a window in the kildare street club with a slog to square leg.

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大阳照药你星区的日常工作,健康,应对困难。The Sun is shining on the area of your chart devoted to routine work, health matters and sheer hard slog.

摩根士丹利亚洲区董事长罗奇亦认为未来三年景气将"长期低迷".Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley's Asia chairman, agreed it would be "a long slog" over the next three years.

对于摩根大通和摩根士丹利来说,在中国建立新的投资银行根据地相当困难。Establishing new investment-banking footholds in China has been a slog for J. P. Morgan and Morgan Stanley.

更重要的是,它免除了你老要回城补给新的血瓶的痛苦。And more importantly, it removes the slog of having to go to town to replenish your stocks of healing potions.

在中国,并没有已经成为市场老大的零售商等着沃尔玛去收购,所以,它唯一的选择就是按部就班一家分店一家分店开张,艰苦地跋涉。In China, there was no leading retailer for Wal-Mart to buy, so its only option was a one-new-store-at-a-time slog.

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游客们手拉着手,步履维艰地爬上拥挤的山坡,就像成群结队的工蚁要去完成一项特别讨厌的任务。Visitors slog up a crowded hillside holding hands with strangers like worker ants on a particularly gruesome mission.

游客们与陌生人拉着手、吃力地走上拥挤的山坡,,就像工蚁们一样正在完成一项特别庄严的使命。Visitors slog up a crowded, hillside holding hands with strangers like worker ants on a particularly gruesome mission.

鸡汤比较浓,但是我从地铁站爬出楼梯之后才是一段真正的跋涉路程,我感到疲倦不堪、昏昏欲睡。Concentration levels were fine, but climbing up my local Tube station stairs afterwards was a real slog. I felt tired and lethargic.

而投资非上市中资公司差不多每一次都是耗时、费力和成本高昂的项目,需要进行广泛的尽职调查。Investing in private Chinese companies, by contrast, is almost always a long, arduous and costly slog requiring extensive due diligence.

漫漫长夜过去,为两个孩子洗涮干净,整理好被褥之后,我就会坐在沙发上,为如何才能把孩子们拉扯大而发愁。Once the long slog toward bedtime was over and my two children scrubbed clean and in bed, I would sit on the couch and ache for grown-up company.

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由于金融市场如此反复无常,许多公司在经济衰退的长期打击下开始抛售股票,很难看出将来会怎样。With financial markets so volatile and companies “hunkering down” for a long slog through a recession, there are few indicators of what’s coming up.

纽约人也许对自己城市的砂砾和尘垢稍微更有免疫力一些,对每天上班路上偶尔窜过脚边的老鼠也更见怪不怪。New Yorkers may be slightly more immune to their city's grit and grime — and the occasional skittering rodent — as they slog to their jobs every day.

在全球经济衰退背景下,人们选择看温情片、喜剧片和励志片来忘却烦恼。As the global economy continues to slog through a tough recession, people are trying to escape their daily woes through soft, funny, and inspiring movies.