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这一命令是用国王的印记加封的。The order was sealed with the king's signet.

如果我被咬了,我会在咬我的狗上留下印章的。If I had been, I would have set my signet on the biter.

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其中有2例还可见灶性的印戒细胞样癌细胞。Signet ring cell features were focally seen in 2 cases.

事实上,对于这枚章的归属,我已不太在意。In fact, I am not fussed about adscription of the signet.

至于局灶性印戒细胞,我认为是冰冻假象。About the focal signet ring cells, I favor frozen artifact.

这位年轻又迷人的母亲当众出示了图章戒指以作证明。Then the lovely young mother showed the signet ring as proof.

时至今日,湖边仍有一条掘了一半的沟——它便是人们对仙人不敬的罪证。To this hour on the border of the lake is shown a half-dug trench—the signet of their impiety.

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假若人世终会变迁,那只好造一处不变刻印镶入我对这世间的憧憬。If the world will change, it had to build a constant signet inserted into the world of dreams for me.

哈曼用王的戒指盖印,颁布了一个,如同亚哈随鲁王本人下达的死亡法令。Using the king's signet ring, Haman issued the death decree as though it came from Ahasuerus himself.

原发性结直肠印戒细胞癌是大肠一种罕见的但特殊的恶性肿瘤。Primary colorectal signet ring cell carcinoma is a rare but distinctive malignancy of the large bowel.

低分化腺癌和印戒细胞癌是各年龄段女性胃癌的主要组织学类型。Low-differentiated adenocarcinoma and signet ring cancer were the main types of the tumor in various aged females.

这件黑色的克什米尔毛线衣可以经由正面右下角的VONROSEN商标被辨识。The black Cashmere Sweater can be recognized by the VONROSEN Signet on the lower right side of the sweater's front.

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因为生性单纯害羞,她不敢带男婴去贝拿勒斯那座让人眩目的宫殿,但是她把图章戒指保留了下来。Being a simple shy woman, she was afraid to take him to the fancy court in Benares, but she saved the king's signet ring.

应用免疫组织化学SP法检测胃印戒细胞癌中MUC5AC和MUC6的表达并分析其与部分临床病理指标的关系。The expression of MUC5AC and MUC6 were detected in 68 gastric signet ring cell carcinomas by immunohistochemical SP method.

他戴着皮帽的头像被雕刻在各种场合,居民家里也会悬挂画像,鼻烟盒甚至印章戒指上都有他的头像。Medallions of his fur-capped head were struck, engravings were hung in homes, and his likeness graced snuffboxes and signet rings.

亚哈随鲁王似乎没有经过详细考虑,便摘下手上的印章指环给哈曼,让他可以随从己意书写和签印谕旨。It would seem that without much thought Xerxes took off his signet ring and gave it to Haman to write and sign anything he wanted to.

当晚致命的电话打来了,通知我们被发现的遗体上有一个图章戒指,其上有首字母缩写JKJ杰弗里·凯利·詹姆斯。The fateful call came that evening, informing us that the recovered body had a signet ring with the initials JKJ—Jeffrey Kelly James.

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天上的光,地的根基都是神所造所喜悦的,都要服在他右手带印的戒指下。The lights of the heaven, the foundations of the earth have been made and approved by God and are under the signet ring of His right hand.

西奥·德克尔从一家爆炸的展馆逃出,在一位濒死男人的建议下,他获得了修复展馆的联系方式以及一个图章戒指。Theo Decker escapes from an exploded gallery, and takes the advice of a dying man who gives him a contact for restoration and a signet ring.

那个王子鼓励她高贵勇敢地活下去,并在离开前给她一个蔷薇刻印,告诉她那个刻印会引导至他们的再会。He told her to live gracefully and bravely, and gave her a rose signet and promised her the signet would lead her meeting one day before leaving.