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妈咪、爸比会伤心。Mummy and Daddy will be sad.

女巫干尸貌狰狞。Witches' mummy maw and gulf.

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妈妈在刷澡盆。Mummy is scrubbing the bathtub.

这是赛潘姆特的木乃伊。The mummy is that of Shepenmut.

是什么杀死了Granville博士发现的木乃伊?What killed Dr Granville's mummy?

看!我加了上次学画的猪妈妈和小猪!They went to visit Pink Mummy Pig.

而且我只得到令人讨厌的甜食,妈妈And I only get yucky deserts, Mummy

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一个坐在那里傻瞪着眼,活像一座木乃伊。That one sits staring like a mummy.

“我不会那么做”,老妈说。"I shouldn't do that, " Mummy said.

哦,为什么你送我到这里,妈妈?Oh, why did you send me here, Mummy?

因此为什么我不能回家,妈妈?So why can't I come back home, Mummy?

老师和妈妈比,谁高一些啊?Who is taller – mummy or your teacher?

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妈富隆会不会对身体有伤害?Can mummy Fulong have to the body hurt?

哦,八点就熄灯了,妈妈Oh, and it's lights out at eight, Mummy

今天,妈妈带我去一间好大间的书局。Mummy brought me to a very big bookshop.

对不起啦,朋友,那边有个木乃伊在乱动。Sorry, pal. There's a mummy on the loose.

木乃伊和爸爸有计算所有的羊。Mummy and daddy have counted all the sheep.

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妈妈愿将自己装上炸药点燃。Mummy wishes I could set free you from here.

为什么“木乃伊的诅咒”没有施与到他的身上呢?Why didn't he suffer the curse of the mummy?

这具木乃伊的胸前被用珠子织成的饰物覆盖着。The chest of the mummy is covered with beads.