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我们将与他们就停火进行谈判。We will transact with them for truce.

接下来,你可以办理你的就业证了。Next you can transact Employment permit.

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办理适航相关业务。Transact airworthiness-related business.

在交易前,我能回头查看我的订单吗?Do I get to review my order before we transact?

我们设置了相关的交易区交易相关物品。We set up relevant trade area to transact related items.

我要办理借记卡挂失并停止那张卡。I like to transact credit biked lose or cancel which biked.

请问我在贵行可以办理“银保通”业务吗?To transact business with a bank or maintain a bank account.

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我搬家了,因此想办理移机手续。I'am intending to transact phone moving procedure for I've moved.

你把我的心弄乱了。心弄乱了怎么能搞业务呢?You confuse me, and how can I transact business if I am confused?

新来员工工资卡、暂住证的办理。Transact the pay card and temporary certificates for new employee.

请问我在贵行可以办理“银保通”业务吗?Excuse me, can I transact Bank-Insurance Link business in your bank?

若客户续租,帮助协商租金和办理续租手续。Assist to negotiate rental and to transact renew procedure if necessary.

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为了你的方便,可以到餐厅左侧办理饭卡。Students can transact the Card on the left hand of the canteen for your convenience.

而Expedia则对4月底以前注册并交易的代理商免收年费。Expedia is waiving the fee to those who sign up and transact before the end of April.

我要去远方探望我朋友的妈妈,随后我们要去办理结婚手续。I will go far to see a friend of my mother's and then we will transact marriage procedure.

我有“活期一本通”存折,可以办理“银保通”业务吗?I have got a "Current One-for-All" passbook, can I transact Bank-Insurance Link business in your bank?

只要你是成年人,有身份证及工作证,均可在各大银行办理信用卡。As long as you are an adult with ID card and employee's card, you can transact credit card in every bank.

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我们用来生产能源、运输货物、办理生意的基础设施正面临着压力。The infrastructure we use to produce our energy, transport our goods, and transact our business is under stress.

若有部分国内采购料件可提供增值税发票的,根据国家有关抵、免、退的政策办理相关出口退税。VI. We can transact drawback according to relevant policies if the materials buyer supply the VAT invoice to us.

监督派遣公司办理外地员工就业证、暂住证、居住证、人才引进等相关人力资源手续。Monitor the HR agency transact the procedures of applying work permit, temporary resident permit, resident permit.