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所有的体征都没有超出舌炎的范围。All the signs were restricted to glossitis.

体征都超舌范围。All the signs were restricted to glossitis.

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常常伴有舌炎或口角炎。Often accompany have glossitis or quarrel is phlogistic.

结论大部分萎缩性舌炎与大细胞性贫血密切相关。Conclusion Most subjects of atrophic glossitis are caused by megalocytic anemia.

目的探讨萎缩性舌炎与大细胞性贫血的关系。Objective To study the relationship between atrophic glossitis and megalocytic anemia.

有的唇部纵裂增多、加深,以上唇明显。③舌炎。Grow in quantity of some labial ministry slit, deepen, above lip is apparent. ③ glossitis.

方法选择46例萎缩性舌炎患者,随机分成治疗组和对照组。Methods 46 patients with atrophic glossitis were randomly divided into treatment group and control group.

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严重贫血者,还可有舌炎、舌黏膜萎缩、舌头平滑、充血并有灼热感。Severe anemia, and there is also glossitis , atrophic tongue mucosa, tongue smooth, and there is congestive heart burning.

多为女性,除咽下困难外,尚可有小细胞低色素性贫血、舌炎、胃酸缺乏和反甲等表现。Female, in addition to dysphagia, the fair has a low pigment-small-cell anemia, glossitis , gastric acid deficiency and anti-level performance.

大多数病人毫无症状,如有症状多表现为饭后饱胀、嗳气、食欲减退、恶心、上腹部疼痛不适,或消瘦、贫血、舌炎、腹泻等。Most patient is without a symptom, if semiotic much performance is meal hind full bilge, ache of belch, anorexia, disgusting, epigastrium is unwell, or angular, anaemic , glossitis , diarrhoea.