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不能听任黄色书刊充斥市场。We cannot allow pornographic books to flood the market.

我们应该禁止出售淫秽文学。We should prohibit the sale of pornographic literature.

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这位专家告诫青年学生不要读黄书。The expert wants the young students not to read pornographic books.

这位专家告诫青年学生不要读黄书。The expert warns the young students not to read pornographic books.

不若外来污垢邪靡淫秽之物横行!Epitomized If does not have dirt and foreign pornographic things across!

这里明文规定,禁止贩卖黄书。It is proclaimed in writing here to forbid selling of pornographic books.

坚持不懈地进行“扫黄”“打非”斗争。We will fight unremittingly against pornographic and illegal publications.

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随后他就连续不断地收到来自不同号码的黄色信息。He then kept receiving other pornographic messages, all from different numbers.

为什么要给您的孩子上黄色网站的机会?Why do you give your children such opportunity to visit the pornographic websites?

因此,在色情文学中所有的动作描述都被限制在,关于性交的陈腔滥调上。Thus, in pornographic novels action has to be limited to the copulation of cliches.

中国正在全国范围内大力开展清剿黄色网站的行动。China's nationwide campaign to crack down on pornographic websites is in full swing.

黄色刊物属于非法,但性用品商店到处都是。Pornographic publications remain illegal, but sex toy shops can be found everywhere.

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目前,中国香港、澳门特别行政区打击盗版光盘生产、走私的活动也取得重大战果。As a result, the anti- pornographic and illegal publications drive has made big headway in Hong Kong and Macao.

该公司遂以工作时间下载传播淫秽图片为由迫使其辞职。She was ordered to resign as the company believes that she has downloaded and spread pornographic photos during work hours.

据知情者透露,黄金高自己记下的性乱日记,比街巷里小贩兜售的黄色书刊还黄。According to informed sources, Huang's notes were even filthier than the pornographic books that street hawkers try to peddle.

一月份一项新法律规定拥有描述严重暴力的影片或者图像都违法,不管这些暴力是现实的还是想象的。In January a new law made it an offence to possess pornographic films or images portraying serious violence, real or simulated.

2004年,易趣的一名管理人员被短暂囚禁,因为其网站上有黄色光碟出售。In 2004, an eBay executive was brieflyimprisoned in India because pornographic DVDs were available for purchasethrough the site.

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中国政府鼓励商业和教育使用网络,但是努力过虑破坏和危险份子的内容。Beijing encourages Web use for business and education but tries to block access to material considered subversive or pornographic.

尽管政府试图控制内容别且严厉打击涉嫌黄色内容的网站,中国蓬勃发展的互联网使用已经到来。China's booming internet use comes despite government attempts to control content and to crack down on allegedly pornographic sites.

在马来亚历史上的“反黄运动时期”,大多数通俗小说往往被视为黄色文学。In the period of "anti-pornography" in the history of Malaysia, most of the popular fiction is regarded to be pornographic literature.