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那部电影中有许多瞎闹的场面。There's a lot of slapstick in that movie.

即将举行的选举是演滑稽戏似的民主。The coming elections are a slapstick version of democracy.

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我爱冬天,更爱滑冰场上伙伴们欢乐玩闹的场景。I love winter, love skating field partners more fun slapstick scenes.

然而无论剧本多么滑稽可笑,他的电影通常带有强烈的道德信息。However slapstick the script, his films usually have strong moral messages.

不要在电影结束时观看俄国的有关两个水手的滑稽剧。Do not end up in the cinema watching a Russian slapstick comedy about two sailors.

那粗俗滑稽剧使那些意想不到的事的说明出现,因为我们不可以要求别人失败。The slapstick spill illustrates surprise because we weren't expecting someone to fall.

接下来的许都情节由音乐蒙太奇,人物的追逐打闹和闹剧组成。Much of the rest of the film consists of musical montages, chase scenes and slapstick comedy.

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电影的其余大部分都是音乐,追逐的场面以及喜剧的形式出现。Much of the rest of the film consists of musical montages , chase scenes and slapstick comedy.

他们希望能和父母像朋友一样信任,需要放松,需要和朋友一起说笑玩闹。They want to trust their parents as friends, need to relax, need to slapstick joke with friends.

如此庄严的态度和恐菌状态有时会引发闹乱的情况。That gravitas and germaphobic hypersensitivity sometimes led to situations bordering on slapstick.

她说,有利身心的玩笑,卡通漫画,闹剧喜剧,诙谐文章都在运用夸张。Cartoon caricatures, slapstick comedy, and clowning articles are all based on exaggeration, she notes.

女性对故事和文字游戏的反应比滑稽剧更强烈可以用来解释这一发现。The interpretation of that finding is that women tend to respond more to narrative and wordplay than slapstick.

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女性对故事和文字游戏的反应比滑稽剧更强烈可以用来解释这一发现。The interpretation of that finding is that women tend to respond more to narrative and wordplay than slapstick.

卓别林的流浪汉一角在一九一四年首度登上萤幕,观众十分喜爱这名身材娇小、举止滑稽男子的闹剧表演。Chaplin's character the Tramp debuted in 1914, and audiences loved the slapstick actings of this funny little man.

人们用右侧额叶损害他们经历困难,喜欢转弯抹角的闹剧幽默代替。People with damage to their right frontal lobe experience difficulty getting punch lines and prefer slapstick humor instead.

偶尔,天空会看着大地,看着盛开的花朵,笑看草地上打闹的情侣。Occasionally, the sky would look at the earth, looking at flowers in bloom, laughing all the grass on the slapstick of the couple.

憨豆先生与西班牙首相萨帕特罗长相确有几分相似,这个玩笑在西班牙已流传数年。The supposed resemblance of the bumbling slapstick character to Spain's Prime Minister Zapatero has been a running joke in Spain for years.

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如果你记得双人喜剧组合劳莱与哈代,你也许还记得奥利的经典台词“你让我陷入了另一个美妙的麻烦。If you remember that slapstick comedy duo Laurel and Hardy, you may remember Ollie's standard line“another nice mess you've gotten me into.”

如果你记得双人喜剧组合劳莱与哈代,你也许还记得奥利的经典台词“你让我陷入了另一个美妙的麻烦。If you remember that slapstick comedy duo Laurel and Hardy, you may remember Ollie’s standard line“another nice mess you’ve gotten me into.”

接著我宣称自己是故意摔倒的——因为我实在想不出什麽笑话来作开场白,所以自导自演了这一齣闹剧。I then professed the fall to have been deliberate – I could think of no joke with which to start my speech so had gone for slapstick instead.