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我还处在传染期。I'm still infectious.

这病招人。This disease is infectious.

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麻风的传染性不很强。Leprosy is not highly infectious.

她对我们的信心使我们深受感染。Her confidence in us was infectious.

为什么感染性疾病致死率发生了变化Why the change in infectious diseases?

传染病病原学的新依据New Credibility for Infectious Etiology

劳永乐是感染及传染病专科医生。Dr Lo is a specialist in infectious diseases.

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那里不只是传染病问题。Infectious diseases are not the only problem.

何教授去木兰家深受感染。Professor he to magnolia house was infectious.

有效地追踪溯源和控制传染源。H7 for infectious resource tracing and control.

换句话说,血清性肝炎也是传染性的。In a word, serum hepatitis was also infectious.

你的这种喜悦是会传染的。Your joyfulness may actually become infectious.

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带有皮肤病、传染病的患者。with a skin disease infectious disease patients.

于是男孩就会爆发出有感染力的大笑。And the boy often broke into an infectious laugh.

他积极乐观的态度和他的笑声很有感染力。His positive attitude and his laugh were infectious.

麻疹是目前所知的极具传染性的病毒之一。Measles is one of the most infectious viruses known.

它不仅有传染性,一种致癌的潜力。It has both an infectious and an oncogenic potential.

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阿米巴痢疾为法定乙类传染病。Amebic dysentery is B type infectious disease legally.

香港是一个充满活力的城市有着自己明快的生活节奏,人群匆匆,在巍巍高楼耸立的森林里穿梭,或是去参加会议或者讲着电话。Hong Kong is a vibrant city with an infectious rhythm.

它是一种毁灭性的,频繁发病的致命疾病It's a devastating, frequently fatal infectious disease.