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删除缓冲目录中未投递的邮件吗?Remove undelivered mails in spool directory?

协助采购催收应到而未到的物品。Assist purchasing clerk to urge the shipment of the undelivered goods.

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一些数据报仍将在没有任何报告的情况下丢失。Some datagrams may still be undelivered without any report of their loss.

可插入的持久性提供者概念仍处于未交付的阶段。The pluggable persistence provider concept remains an undelivered promise.

当从分发服务器中获得未提交命令的数目时,发生了错误。Error occurred while getting the number of undelivered commands from Distributor.

你可取消订阅并收取尚未投递部分的退款。You may cancel your subscription and receive a refund for the undelivered portion.

确保所有供应物品及时到货并跟进未解决的订单和未送达的物品。To ensure prompt delivery of all supplies and to follow up outstanding orders and undelivered portion.

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未交付的消息可能放置在错误队列上,每个此类消息的解释都要求使用上下文信息。Undelivered messages may be placed on error queues, interpretation of such messages requires contextual information.

尚未完成交付而记入不应得的收入账目的金额应采用相关产品的生命周期直线法来应征税收。Unearned revenue due to undelivered elements is recognized ratably on a straight-line basis over the related product ' s life cycle.

如果钱某逾期15天未交付房租或杂费,尹某有权收回房屋,并要求赔偿损失。If undelivered Qianmou 15 days overdue rent or incidental to the right to recover rapidly housing, and sought compensation for losses.

这迫使我们的劳动力以大量的缺陷、未交付的特性、错过的最终期限,和瓶颈的形式得以等待。This forces our work body to gain wait in the form of a large inventory of defects, undelivered features, missed deadlines, and bottlenecks.

人力不可抗拒事故持续60天以上时,买方有权撤销合同或和铜中为送交部分。If the " Force Majeure" cause lasts over 60 days, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract or the undelivered part of the Contract.

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人力不可抗拒事故如继续存在60天以上时,买方有权撤销合同或合同中未装运部分。If the "Force Majeuer" cause lasts over 60 days, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel the Contract or the undelivered part of the Contract.

人力不可抗拒事故继续存在60天以上时,买方有权撤销合同或合同中未装运部份。If the “Force Majeure” cause lasts over 60 days, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel the Contract or the undelivered part of the Contract.

在应用层级,这些代理是不可见的,它们保证在消息丢失或未到达时重新传输消息。These agents aren't necessarily visible at the application level, they simply ensure that the messages get re-transmitted if lost or undelivered.

他进进出出法院好几年了,终于得到了一个最终未送达的监护承诺的判决,他“放弃了”,四年没有见过他的孩子一面。He was in and out of court for years, and after a final, undelivered promise of custody, he "gave up" and did not see his children for four years.

虽然要找他一点专业术语方面的岔子并不困难,比如从一篇还没有上交的论文中挑点毛病,但狄克逊不愿意那么做。Though it would have been easy enough to pick some technical quarrel with him, over an undelivered essay for example, Dixon was reluctant to do so.

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工人们在马赛空旷的铁道旁走过。由于法国数以万计的教师和邮局雇员参加了罢工,造成一些学校停课、银行关门,以及邮政系统停止运转。Some schools were closed, banks were shut, and mail went undelivered as thousands of teachers and postal employees across the country stayed off the job.

为了很好地维护公共事业公司的利益,要确保每条消息始终至少传递一次,因为未传递的消息会造成收入损失。It is in the best interest of the utility company to insure that every message is always delivered at least once, because undelivered messages result in lost revenue.

顾客对已交付的商品有权退货,未交付商品的运输或处理主要由卖方支配。Customer has a general right of return for the delivered items and delivery or performance of the undelivered items is considered probable and substantially in control of the vendor.