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如果幕后主使真的是阿基里斯的话。If it was Achilles.

唱出阿基利斯的愤怒吧,女神Sing Goddess the wrath of Achilles.

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只有阿基里斯宁愿他早点死。Only Achilles would prefer his death.

唱出阿基利斯的愤怒吧,女神“"Sing Goddess the wrath of Achilles."

之后,阿喀琉斯被叫去见阿伽门农。Achilles is then told to go see Agamemnon.

唱出阿基利斯的愤怒吧,女神“对吗?"Sing Goddess the wrath of Achilles " right?

阿基里斯和海格立斯是古希腊的英雄。Achilles and heracles were ancient greek heroes.

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阿基里斯会不会坚持亲自解决他呢?Or would Achilles insist on being there in person?

湖人的致命要害就是挡拆的防守。The Lakers' Achilles heel is pick-and-roll defense.

特洛伊人的任何武器都无法伤害阿奇里斯。None of the Trojan weapons was able to hurt Achilles.

阿基里斯腱断裂可以是局部的,也可以是完全的。An Achilles tendon rupture can be partial or complete.

如果阿基里斯还有一个愿望的话,那就是让我丧命。And if there's one thing Achilles wants, it's me, dead.

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最后,阿喀琉斯在奥德修斯的怀里痛苦地死去。In the arms of Odysseus, Achilles died a painful death.

他们的弱点在于他们避开冲突。Their Achilles heelis that they shy away from conflict.

这就是赫克托,那个以为自己打败了阿基里斯的蠢材。This is Hector, the fool who thought he killed Achilles.

而当我们都故去时,人们仍会知道阿基里斯的事迹And when we're all gone, people will know about Achilles.

有些章节是阿克琉斯与乌龟的对话。Some chapters are dialogs between Achilles and Tortoises.

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他把自己在营帐里看到的一切都告诉了阿喀琉斯。He told Achilles the sad condition of affairs at the camp.

然而,CDS是否会是金融市场的阿珂琉斯之踵?But could it be the Achilles heel of the financial markets?

阿溪里的勇武是攻克特洛伊城的原因。The valor of Achilles was the cause of the capture of Troy.