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这向来是资产阶级犯下的错误。This has often been the fault of the bourgeoisie.

鼓吹小资情调是变相的粉饰太平。Advocating Petty Bourgeoisie in disguise whitewash.

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我们不能允许产生一个新的资产阶级。We shall not allow a new bourgeoisie to come into being.

资产阶级只不过是人民中得到满足的那一部分人。The bourgeoisie is simply the contented portion of the people.

你这纯粹的小资啊,我把咖啡给你打开。You this pure petty bourgeoisie ah, I put coffee to you to open.

但是,资产阶级时代的新时代却使阶级对立简单化了。But the epoch of the bourgeoisie simplified the class antagonisms.

因为资产阶级代表满足了的利益。Because the bourgeoisie is interest which has reached satisfaction.

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别让那些资产阶级的颓废思想充斥你的头脑。Don't congest your mind with those decadent ideas of the bourgeoisie.

因此,马克思只是说出了资产阶级一直企望的事情。So Marx merely stated that for which the bourgeoisie has always hoped.

这充分体现了资产阶级的革命性与妥协性。This fully reflects the revolutionary bourgeoisie with the compromise.

有时候我想和朋友一起去品茶,偶尔享受小资的生活。Sometimes I want to have cups of tea with friend as a petty bourgeoisie.

从这个市民等级中发展出最初的资产阶级分子。From these burgesses the first elements of the bourgeoisie were developed.

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一切半无产阶级、小资产阶级,是我们最接近的朋友。Our closest friends are the entire semi-proletariat and petty bourgeoisie.

朱执信毕生致力于中国的资产阶级革命事业。Zhu -Zhixin devotes his lifetime to the revolution of Chinese bourgeoisie.

这里主要谈的是上层或者买办资产阶级。We have been speaking here mainly about the upper or comprador bourgeoisie.

因为,无产阶级要打倒资产阶级已经不可能,为什么?Because, the proletariat to cast down the bourgeoisie has not possible, why?

茅盾为现代文学贡献了民族资产阶级和时代新女性形象系列。Mao Dun created a series of figures of national bourgeoisie and women in new era.

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个人角度来讲,我是个典型的有点小资情调的上海女人。Personally, I am a typical Shanghai woman with some petit bourgeoisie sentiments.

资产阶级的捧场则可能征服我们队伍中的意志薄弱者。However, the flattery of the bourgeoisie may conquer the weak-willed in our ranks.

第一种力量是地主阶级和买办性的大资产阶级。The first force is the landlord class and the comprador big bourgeoisie in nature.