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简的烹饪技巧堪称一绝。Jane is a fabulous cook.

他成了一个传说性的人物。He became a fabulous being.

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沃克斯子爵堡十分宏伟Vaux le Vicomte was fabulous.

它很颓废,并且令人难以置信。It's decadent. And it's fabulous.

他是历史上的传奇式人物。He is a fabulous figure in history.

在那本书中他是个传奇式的好汉。He is a fabulous hero in that book.

酒吧里有醉人的芒果玛格丽塔。Fabulous mango margaritas at the bar.

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云朵想要遮蔽那轮惊艳的太阳。Clouds want to cover the fabulous sun.

真妙,哈利,我爱那些羽毛!Fabulous , Harry, I love the feathers!

美丽可人儿,你今天看上去真棒。Hi beautiful, you look fabulous today.

祝你新年花开富贵!Wish you a fabulous Chinese New year !

露丝,你穿上这件衣服真漂亮。Rose, this dress looks fabulous on you.

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这间房有着极佳的湖景。The room has fabulous views across the lake.

投入的资金数量惊人。The capital sunk in it is fabulous in amount.

它有美妙的琉璃双层屋顶。It has a fabulous double roof of yellow tiles.

它是最梦幻的广场之一It's one of the most fabulous plazas anywhere.

在25个史诗宝箱中找到绝佳宝物。Look for fabulous treasures in 25 epic chests.

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另外他们希望神话般在当地礼服。Plus they look fabulous in their local regalia.

舞蹈精采就是你的音乐和你的风格。Dance Fabulous is all about your music and your style.

每场表演期间,我们将以抽彩方法送出大奖。During each show we will be raffling a fabulous prize.