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本2003年版采用了新的后记。This 2003 edition features a new afterword.

后记如果你弄坏了鱼线,你得在商店里重新买一个。Afterword If you broke off your fish-line you have to buy new one in store.

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该书的后记写的是歌手,演员雪儿,谁是部分切诺基。The book's afterword is written by singer-actress Cher, who is part Cherokee.

盛可以在今年新版的后记中写到。Sheng writes in an afterword to a new edition of her novel, published this year.

这不仅是写给一本书的前言,也是我对人生很大一部分的后记。This is not only a foreword to a book but also an afterword to a large chunk of my life.

这种比利巴德版包括一个序言,传记,并注意到由詹姆斯甘恩后记。This edition of Billy Budd includes a Foreword, Biographical Note, and Afterword by James Gunn.

我可以看着你的脸告诉你,我会为平装本写一篇后记。I can tell by the look on your face that I'm going to have to write an afterword to the paperback.

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这种新的平装版,作者补充了一段采访后,将叙事切合时宜。For this new paperback edition the author has added an Afterword that brings the narrative up to date.

她的编后记写的即真挚又轻松,既有作为作者的思考也有作为一名政治家的评论。Her afterword is both earnest and lighthearted, an author's reflections and a politician's commentary.

在我们宣布男女平等的美好愿景实现之前,我们一定要看见更多不美好的前景。But before we declare this the happy ending of a feminist fairytale, we must look at the more sinister afterword.

因此,在这篇后记中,纳博科夫在多种不同层面上,为他的作品辩护,一方面,他侮辱他的出版商。So, there are multiple ways, at multiple levels, that Nabokov is defending his work in this afterword. For one thing, he insults the publishers.

因此,在这篇后记中,纳博科夫在多种不同层面上,为他的作品辩护,一方面,他侮辱他的出版商。So, there are multiple ways, at multiple levels, that Nabokov is defending his work in this afterword. For one thing, he insults the publishers.