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通过线性插值和高阶拟合的方法,绘制出人体心脏各个时刻的等磁图。Three-dimensional MCG is plotted by the way of bilinear interpolation and higher fitting.

利用它可以使心磁信号的信噪比提高到器件的本征噪声水平。With this filter, the signal-to-noise ratio of a MCG is improved to the intrinsic noise level.

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在这种情况下,MCG当然会提供适当的安装指南来指导安装我们的设备。MCG would certainly provide suitable instructions for installing our equipment in such a situation.

杨氏领导的团队发现女性每日平均从强化谷物摄取128毫克的叶酸。On average, Yang's team found that the women consumed 128 mcg of folic acid from fortified foods each day.

从第24周到足月,胎儿的新磁图描记术除了记录胎儿的呼吸外,还记录其身体和嘴巴的整个活动。Fetal MCG recordings of body and mouth movements in addition to breathing were noted from 24 weeks to full term.

结论具有精细数据分析的静息MCG对静态心电图正常的冠心病患者的诊断价值优于心电图。Conclusion The resting MCG with precise data analysis is superior to conventional resting ECG for diagnosis in patients with CHD.

当你准备要一个孩子的时候,你要开始做产前检查,每天服用至少含有400微克叶酸的多维他命剂。Start taking a prenatal or multivitamin containing at least 400 mcg of folic acid per day as soon as you know you’re ready for babies.

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结论MCG对于静息心电图表现正常或呈非特异性改变者的慢性心肌缺血患者有独特的诊断价值,有利于冠心病的早期诊断。Conclusion MCG was a useful tool for diagnosing chronic myocardium ischemia in CAD patients with normal or unspecific changes resting ECG.

申请并确定下一阶段的选择选择,你必须把你的邮件的主题墨尔本板球场与你的简历,电子邮件或附件。To apply and be chosen for next stage of selection, you must put MCG in the subject of your email with your resume in the email or attached.

但是种族差异再一次表现在这项研究当中。西班牙裔和非裔美国人每日从维生素中摄取的叶酸含量更可能低于400毫克。There was again a racial disparity, however, with Hispanic and African-American women being less likely to get 400 mcg of folic acid from vitamins.

如MCG的电涌防护器在正常使用过程中损坏,MCG公司将无偿维修或更换。Should the basic surge protector assembly suffer damage while in normal service, MCG will either repair or replace the unit, without charge and without quibbling.

对558名2~11岁常年性变态反应性鼻炎患儿进行另一项研究,以安慰剂组为对照,比较氟替卡松安特酰胺鼻腔喷雾110mcg和55mcg长期治疗的效果。Another study compared the effects of long-term treatment with FFNS at 110 mcg and 55 mcg, versus placebo, of year-round allergies in 558 children ages 2 through 11.

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除了体育活动,墨尔本板球场还见证了许多大型音乐演唱会,甚至教皇保罗二世在1986年访问墨尔本时也在这里举行了一次弥撒。Apart from its sporting events, the MCG has also witnessed many blockbuster music concerts, and even Pope John Paul II held a mass there when he visited Melbourne in 1986.

通过数字仿真,检验了这些参数的效果,并给出了多组心磁实测数据表征参数的分析结果。Though digital simulation, we determine the validity of the parameters P_N, Q_N, V_P and V_Q. Also we give some calculating results with real MCG signal data of four subjects.

相比起网球的时令性热闹来,MCG的热度可谓年中无休,这里每年有超过90天的板球和澳式橄榄球比赛,吸引超过350万的观众。Compared with the tennis seasonal lively, MCG heat is years restless, here every year more than 90 days of cricket and aus football games, attracting more than 350 million viewers.

本文在对测量数据进行模式识别的基础上研究了一种人工神经网络分类的方法,它的特点是对测量信号具有较好的自适应性,并且具有较好的分类效果。In this paper, we study the neural networks method for classification based on the pattern-recognition to MCG data, which has the advantage of preferable adaptability and classified result.

而李犬布雷特是要证明自己的运动领域,正如著名,以至于在2001年的两个超级巨星杯系列符合澳大利亚在墨尔本板球场宣传照拍摄。And the canine Brett Lee was to prove just as famous in his own sporting sphere, so much so that both megastars met during the 2001 Australian Cup series for a promotional photo shoot at the MCG.