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各种各样的非银行机构都已经承担起风险。A wide variety of nonbank institutions have taken on the risk.

上述那位温州鞋厂老板说,她并不害怕高利贷,也不担心政府对非银行信贷的打击。The Wenzhou shoemaker says she isn*t fearful of loan sharks or a crackdown on the nonbank sector.

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多德弗兰克法案对主要银行和非银行机构规定了更加严格审慎的标准。Dodd-Frank provides for more stringent prudential standards for these major bank and nonbank firms.

至少应该做到定期监督检查和广泛收集非银行机构的信息。It would likely require at least periodic surveillance and information-gathering from a wide range of nonbank institutions.

银行与信托、证券公司以及基金管理公司等非银行机构合作发行理财产品。Banks create WMPs in partnership with nonbank institutions like trusts, securities companies, and fund management companies.

允许美国政府在早期阶段有效地处理,非银行金融机构系统潜在的故障。S. government to effectively address, at an early stage, the potential failure of systemically critical nonbank financial institutions.

一级交易商信贷便利为非银行经纪交易商提供了获得美联储紧急救助资金的渠道,类似于受美联储监管的商业银行所使用的贴现窗口。The PDCF gave nonbank broker-dealers access to emergency Fed funding in parallel with the discount window used by Fed-supervised commercial banks.

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在银行还购买相当多的中国债券的情况下,即使是非银行融资也依靠银行的能力来扩大资产规模。With banks also buying the lion's share of China's bonds, even nonbank finance is reliant on the capacity of the banks to expand their asset book.

二十一世纪最初几年的低利率助长了银行和非银行按揭公司放贷,鼓励买房者借款。Lower interest rates early in the 2000s decade encouraged a surge in lending by banks and nonbank mortgage companies and in borrowing by home buyers.

正如我在其他场合提出的,国会可能希望考虑是否应该为非银行机构制定一套明确的规定。As I have suggested on other occasions, the Congress may wish to consider whether such a framework should be set up for a defined set of nonbank institutions.3

银行、保险公司和非银行金融机构的各项负债有特殊性的,按照其性质分类分项列示。The specific liabilities of banks, insurance companies and nonbank financial institutions, if any, shall be grouped and itemized according to their specific nature.

她推动国会安排其机构负责清偿非银行金融机构,如保险公司,倒闭浪潮到来时,这些公司都被证明是巨大的系统性风险源头。She is pushing Congress to place her agency in charge of liquidating nonbank financial firms like insurance companies, which proved to be the source of huge systemic dangers during the collapse.