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选择启发式分支。Pick a branch heuristic.

要求客户进行启发式的界面复审。Ask customers to do heuristic UI reviews.

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与之相关的是,第四,代表性原则偏误Related to this is the representativeness heuristic.

选择搜索解决方案时要使用的启发式分支.Pick a branch heuristic to use while searching for a solution.

教育的方式要向启发式、多样化转变。The method of education should be heuristic and diversification.

问题设置是启发讨论式教学中的关键环节。Topic designing is the key step of heuristic discussion teaching.

仍然广泛使用的是咖啡的启发式逻辑极小和魔术队。Still widely used is the Espresso heuristic logic minimizer and Magic.

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“最低限度”法或许是识别启发法的自然延伸。Minimalist is perhaps the natural progression from the Recognition heuristic.

利用禁忌搜索技术设计启发式算法对模型求解。The model was resolved with heuristic algorithm based on Tabu search technique.

针对约束P-中位问题的特点,提出了一种新的启发式算法。This article proposes a new heuristic algorithm for capacitated P-median problem.

启发式将类似于西玛和类似的行卡巴斯基和查杀。The Heuristic will be similar to CIMA and on similar lines to Kaspersky and Avira.

本文提出一个新的基于伴随图的求BBD分解的启发式算法。A new heuristic algorithm for BBD decomposition based on adjoint graph is proposed.

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卡路里启发式是大脑中食物、金钱和美丽在远古就形成的联结。The calorie heuristic is the brain’s ancient link among food and money and fairness.

而在方法操作上,以多变量模糊时间数列引导式模式最为简易。The multivariable fuzzy time series Heuristic model is the easiest method to follow.

并利用逐级搜索法决策出理想的飞机超低空突防航迹。The perfect very low penetration route can be developed by heuristic research method.

诱思探究学科教学论是启发式教学的宏扬与超越。The Theory transcends and brings heuristic education to a great height of development.

对启发式教学法在药理学教学中的应用进行了论述。This article reviews the applications of heuristic didactics to pharmacology teaching.

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摘要对启发式教学法在药理学教学中的应用进行了论述。This article reviews the applications of heuristic didactics to pharmacology teaching.

对于我们来说这是显而易见的,但现在我们,提出一种简单的试探法。Well, it's pretty obvious to do as a human, but let's come up with a simple heuristic.

摘要对启发式教学法在药理学教学中的应用进行了论述。This article reviews the applications of heuristic didact ics to pharmacology teaching.