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南极不长树木。高考作文。Trees don't grow in the Antarctic.

全南极海冰区。SPI4, the whole Antarctic sea region.

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寿星指的是南极老人。Shouxing refers to the Antarctic elderly.

他总梦想在南极洲进行冒险尝试。He always dreams of adventuring in Antarctic.

一只南极海豹跳入南极水中。A leopard seal plunges through Antarctic waters.

不列颠有着令人骄傲的南极探险史。Britain has a proud history of Antarctic exploration.

冰穹A是南极洲地区冰层上的最高点。It is the highest point of ice sheet in Antarctic region.

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3月16日,这一冰山漂浮进南极罗斯海。March 16, the icebergs floating into the Antarctic Ross Sea.

这条船迷航了,结果开得离冰天雪地的南极洲太近了。The ship got lost and sailed too close to the icy Antarctic.

还有一个是中国南极项目部。and one from the Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration.

试想一想南极探险家忍受的艰难困苦。Think of the discomforts endured by explorers in the Antarctic.

另外一个南极探险队,冰桥小组,现在他们的工作已经进行到了最后几周。The second Antarctic expedition, IceBridge, is in its final weeks.

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它的捕鲸船在过去20年里杀死了7000多只小须鲸。Its fleet has killed 7,000 Antarctic minkes over the last 20 years.

这位科学家已经在人迹罕至的南极待了六个月。The scientist has spent six months in the solitudes of the Antarctic.

这位科学家已经在人迹罕至的南极待了六个月了。The scientist has spent six months in the solitudes of the Antarctic.

你可以乘搭闻名遐尔的“哈格鲁特”雪上汽车。You can also ride an actual Antarctic snowmobile known as a Hagglund.

南极章鱼的食谱宽泛,从蛤蚌到鱼类皆来者不拒。Antarctic octopuses eat a wide variety of animals, from clams to fish.

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考察队希望能第一个获取南极冰川下的湖泊样本。The team hopes to be the first to sample a sub-glacial Antarctic lake.

它们同南极洲的企鹅不一样,比较喜欢温带气候。Unlike true Antarctic penguins the gentoo prefers more temperate climes.

在冬天,南极外面的地面非常滑。It's very slippy when go outside the door in the winter in the Antarctic.