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泪水刺痛了我的眼睛。Tears prick my eyes.

基本上讲你就是个刺头。You are basically a prick.

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玫瑰刺刺得很痛。To prick as if with a thorn.

让我们把洋葱幼苗移出来。Let's prick the onion plant out.

不,先生,我不会叫你臭小子的。No, sir, I won't call you prick.

那个裁判真是个笨蛋。That ref's a real prick out there.

如果刺他们一剑,他们不会流血吗?If you prick them, do they not bleed?

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玫瑰刺刺得很痛。The thorns of roses prick rather badly.

她行走时臀部扭来扭去。The needle went into my hip with a prick.

中央银行为何不能挤破泡沫?。Why Can Not the Central Banks Prick Bubbles?

她觉得焦急,就如同被虫子咬了一样。She felt anxiety like the prick of an insect.

疼吗?你只会觉得一点小小的刺痛。Will it hurt? You'll only feel a small prick.

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一针又一针,一针刺入,一股鲜血涌出。Over and over, each prick drawing fresh blood.

裁缝的手指上有个针扎的孔。The needle left a prick in the tailor's finger.

我会用我的刺扎任何靠近我的活物。I will prick every living thing near me with my tail.

所以不要擦或挑破”马牙“。Therefore do not scratch or prick" the horse tooth ".

当前局势并没有让他们感到良心不安。The current situation does not prick their conscience.

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你他妈地以为你在干什么呢,你这蠢货?What the fuck did you think you were doing, you prick?

脱了你的靴子,戳戳每根脚趾和手指。Take off your boots. Prick each of your toes and fingers.

不裁耳应该是短小的玫瑰耳或半折耳。Uncropped ears should be short and held rose or half prick.