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真相大白,克里斯果断地向多恩开了枪。The truth, Chris decisively shot donne.

而这些问题现在到了应该明明白白地回答的时候了。Those questions should now be answered decisively.

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有必要立刻将逐渐增加的事情分分类了。The need to sort something out decisively is increasing.

如歌,近于晨的呼喊,干脆而又果决。Cantabile, nearly in the morning cries, simply but decisively.

你必须时刻警惕,头脑冷静,思维清晰,行动果敢。You need to be alert, keep calm, think clearly, act decisively.

在二十年之后,中央银行家共同努力打败了通货膨胀这只野兽。Over two decades, central banks managed to decisively beat down the beast.

他勇敢而毅然决然地处置了他们对他的权威的挑战。He courageously and decisively confronted their challenge to his authority.

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推定的加性效应的缉获没有果断澄清。The presumed additive effect of seizures has not been decisively clarified.

我们所学的科学知识与此结论是截然冲突的。All that we learn from science militates decisively against that conclusion.

这个中国官方的和平奖理所当然地更少带西方色彩。China’s official peace prize is decisively less Western, and and pro-Beijing.

相较于国会,联邦最高法院的裁定对美国的塑造更具绝定性。Its rulings have shaped America far more decisively than the work of Congress.

他果断地让自己畅游在确信美学逻辑的梦想之中。He navigates himself decisively 'in a dream like certitude of aesthetic logic'.

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他在札马战役中败于西庇阿的盟友马西尼萨,但他逃脱了。He lost decisively to Scipio's ally Masinissa at the Battle of Zama, but escaped.

他再次找到沃威做最后的努力,这次沃威非常果断地回绝了。Once again he found WoWei do finally efforts, the WoWei very decisively rejected.

国际社会必须迅速行动起来,果断地采取行动结束暴力。The international community must act soon and act decisively to end the violence.

黛西立刻冲汤姆摇摇头,关于马厩的话题消失在空气中。Daisy shook her head decisively at Tom and the subject of stables vanished into air.

而这些对于一名优秀的艺术体操运动员来说起着决定性地作用。But these for an excellent artistic gymnastics athlete to speak of decisively function.

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重新振作的队员们最终决定性的将广受喜爱的印第安纳波利斯小马队以31-17击败。The re-energized Saints went on to decisively beat the favored Indianapolis Colts, 31-17.

美国驻韩国大使温斯堡说,华盛顿做好了执行协议的准备,但是需要北韩也采取果断行动。Vershbow says Washington is ready to follow through, but needs North Korea to act decisively.

很少有像这样的一本书,不仅挑战,而且彻底改变了我的思想。“Rarely has a single book not only challenged, but decisively changed my mind.” — Arlo Guthrie