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酷的音响效果,迷人的新音乐!Cool sound effects and entrancing new music!

迷人的、醉入的以及令人心旷神怡的都基于它。Charming, entrancing and enchanting are all based on it.

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这个过程是个令我着迷的游戏。It was the most entrancing game in which I had ever engaged.

享受三个着迷的游戏模式与电力宝石和超立方体。Enjoy three entrancing game modes with Power Gems and Hyper Cubes.

在他身上,实干家和知识分子的气质得到了很好的结合。He was that entrancing combination of man of action and intellectual.

入口稠密浓厚,有着新鲜而成熟的单宁,具有极佳的平衡感和层次感。Entrancing feels thickly, with fresh and ripe tannins, excellent balance and different levels.

虽然它们给我们提供了饶有兴味的研究题目,但它们写出来首先还是为了让别人欣赏的。Though they offer entrancing subjects for study, they were in the first place written to be enjoyed.

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据说在菲律宾一位巫医有将事物实体化和虚无化的双重能力。In the Philippines, an entrancing healer, allegedly, has the ability to materialize and dematerialize matter.

一些巫医可以赤手拔除臼齿,还有些可以移除并重新安上眼球。Some entrancing healers can pull out molars with their bare hands, while others can remove and replace eyeballs.

事实上,这一望远镜拍摄到的迷人肖像,感觉是女巫正紧盯着猎户座明亮的超巨星参宿七。In fact, this entrancing telescopic portrait gives the impression the witch has fixed her gaze on Orion's bright supergiant star Rigel.

以自身的恶躁气息影响他人心智,如操弄眼镜蛇般使人出神,或在他人思想中创造虚假身分等。The character uses his own Disquieting aura to affect the minds of others, from entrancing them like a cobra to creating a false identity in someone.

MST对人体无害且价廉,它的应用为茶多酚商品化开发提供诱人前景。MST is a harmless and cheap compound. Its application offers an entrancing prospects for the commercialization and development of tea polyphenols extraction.

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受19世纪一个用咖啡制成的艺术品展览的启发,Plata使用芳香饮料创作了引人入胜的乌贼墨宗教神灵画像。Inspired by an exhibit of 19th-century artworks done in coffee, Plata creates entrancing sepia images of fairies and religious figures from the aromatic beverage.

中国加入WTO之后,成为全球家用电器的制造中心,家电行业的竞争更加激烈。After entrancing to the WTO, China becomes the global manufacturing center for electrical appliances, but the competition of electrical appliances has became more fierce.

在篮球体育事业进入社会主义市场经济体制的过程中,加强篮球职业运动员体育道德建设刻不容缓。It is emergent to strengthen the moral education for the professional basketball players during the course of the basketball careers entrancing the sys tem of market economy.

但当哈默尔恩的人们拒绝兑现承诺——向魔笛手支付报酬时,魔笛手转而向他们的孩子们奏起迷乐,引孩子们出走,不再出现。But when the people of Hamelin refused to pay the Pied Piper what they had promised, he turned his entrancing music on their children, leading them away to never be seen again.

烘丝方式、来料温度和水分、干燥介质状态参数等对烘后烟丝的填充力有显著影响。The filling power of dried cut tobacco is significantly influenced by drying methods, the temperature and moisture content of entrancing cut tobacco and drying medium conditions.

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而中国银行业内部存在着市场准入难度加大、不良资产过多以及网络扩展费用高等难题。But Chinese commercial banks has to solve many problems, such as entrancing the market is more difficult, bad assets is too more and the expenditure to construct banks net is too much.