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我来步测一下。I'll pace it out.

他的步伐开始减慢。His pace began to remit.

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当时你的步伐是怎样的?What was your pace then?

你的生活步伐是怎样的?What is your pace in life?

需要换一种口味。You need a change of pace.

我们必须加快步伐。We have to quicken our pace.

他们是怎样调整步伐的?How do they pace their steps?

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赛跑诌以极高的速度起跑。The runners set off at a pace.

在这次跑步中,我试图保持速度。This run, I tried to hold pace.

初学者,可以分两步。Abecedarian , can divide a pace.

我踩着准确的步点到达眼前。I came here in an accurate pace.

为什么迟慢你的脚步?That thou thy pace dost slacken?

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狼步伐稳定不变。TheD-wolves did not change pace.

慢慢来,走你自己的节奏。Take it slowly and pace yourself.

前进的道路是曲折的。The pace of progress is staggering.

一段乐曲的行进的步调或速度The pace or the speed of the piece?

鲁迅以一种悠闲的笔调进行写作。Lu Xun writes with a leisurely pace.

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开设新馆的步伐已经放慢。The pace of new openings has slowed.

这匹马以缓慢的步伐走着。The horse was moving at a slack pace.

当他劳累的时候他放慢了速度。He slackened his pace as he got tired.