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目的再造外伤后畸形或发育不良的尺骨鹰嘴窝。Objective To reconstruct traumatic or hypoplastic olecranon fossa.

发育不全左心综合症造成的主动脉闭锁患者一般不能生存。Aortic atresia is not compatible with continued survival as seen in hypoplastic left heart syndrome.

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溶解度研究发现发育不全的釉质溶解度大,且达到平衡的时间短。It took shorter time for the hypoplastic enamel powder to attain an equilibrium than the normal did.

要求牙冠表面釉质完好,无龋坏、无裂纹、非四环素牙、非氟斑牙。Teeth with hypoplastic areas, crack, tetracycline or fluorotic of the enamel structure were excluded.

唇裂患者因鼻翼软骨肌肉环发育不良,进而导致了鼻部肌力的失衡。The hypoplastic alar cartilage-muscle ring is the base of the nasal deformity in the cleft lip patient.

乳牙釉质混浊和釉质发育不全分别与龋齿的发生显著相关。The solubility of the hypoplastic enamel powder was higher than that of the normal enamel in the same teeth.

目的探讨放射治疗所引起的眼眶发育不良的整形外科治疗方法。Objective To introduce an effective method for reconstruction of hypoplastic orbit caused by eradiation therapy.

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阳性对照组骨髓中有核细胞增生减低及明显减低,粒细胞系统形态异常。Marrow in positive control group was hypoplastic or marked hypoplastic, and morphology of granulocyte series was abnormal.

超声检查显示胸腺发育不全,胎儿运动减弱,还发现有单脐带动脉。Ultrasound investigation revealed a hypoplastic thorax and decreased fetal movements. A single umbilical artery was also seen.

亚塑性模型起源于非线性张量值函数,没有传统弹塑性理论中相关概念。Hypoplastic model comes of nonlinear tensorial functions and is developed without recourse to the concepts of elastoplasticity.

影像表现包括垂体前叶缺如或发育不良、在矢状位T1和T2序列上显示最明显。Imaging findings include an absent or hypoplastic anterior pituitary gland, most conspicuously seen on sagittal T1 or T2 weighted images.

方法将耳垂裂隙局部形成的双舌形皮瓣旋转、瓦合,治疗先天缺损型耳垂裂。Methods Two tongue-shaped flaps raised just beside the cleft of the earlobe were revolved and lap-jointed to repair the hypoplastic earlobe cleft.

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垂体柄阻断综合症的标志是垂体前叶缺如或发育不良伴垂体后叶异位。The hallmark of pituitary stalk interruption syndrome is an absent or hypoplastic anterior pituitary gland combined with an ectopic posterior pituitary.

1992年北京儿童医院病理诊断左心发育不良综合征14例,其中9例作临床分析。During 1960-1992, there were 14 cases of Hypoplastic left heart syndrome diagnosed on autopsy, the clinical features of 9 cases from the 14 cases were analyzed.

早期肺动脉瓣狭窄是一种可能的原因,因为假如狭窄出现的很早,右心室就不能发育,从而出现发育不全。Early pulmonary stenosis is a possible cause because when the stenosis develops early, the right ventricle does not develop, and the right heart becomes hypoplastic.

皮肤的组织学检查发现包括平坦的真皮-表皮交界,变薄的真皮有著紧密排列的胶原纤维,及发育不全的附属器构造。Histological findings of the skin include flat dermal-epidermal junction thinned dermis with compactly arranged collagen fibers and hypoplastic appendage structures.

皮肤的组织学检查发现包括平坦的真皮-表皮交界,变薄的真皮有着紧密排列的胶原纤维,及发育不全的附属器构造。Histological findings of the skin include flat dermal-epidermal junction, thinned dermis with compactly arranged collagen fibers, and hypoplastic appendage structures.

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结论部分两心室修复治疗右心室发育不良的复杂先心病,效果满意。Conclusion Partial biventricular repair operation is a good method for complex congenital heart disease of hypoplastic right ventricle of heart and the effect is satisfactory.

结论指针疗法治疗再障是一种既有效又经济的标本兼治的好方法,值得推广应用。Conclusion Treating hypoplastic anemia with finger therapeutics was the economic and effective method that could cure the symptom and pathogeny, and the method was worth generalizing and applying.