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花单性。雄蕊和雌花退化雄蕊均无毛。Flowers unisexual. Stamens and staminodes of pistillate flower all glabrous.

花两性,稀单性,多数为辐射对称,亦有左右对称。The flower is bisexual, rare unisexual , majority is radiation semmetry, also have or so semmetry.

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其他植物具单性花,即只有一种功能性雌蕊或雄蕊。Other plants bear unisexual flowers, with only stamens or carpels functional, and others reproduce asexually.

花发育基因和环境条件可相互作用,单性花植物的性别表达可以发生变化。There is an interaction with environmental conditions and sex expression can vary in plants with unisexual flowers.

一种南瓜属卷须植物,具有新鲜可食用的果实,有毛皮状表皮和单性生殖的花朵。Any of various tendril-bearing plants of the genus Cucurbita, having fleshy edible fruit with a leathery rind and unisexual flowers.

单性花可能存在部分花发育基因,它们的表达受激素和遗传的调控。In unisexual flowers some of the same genes are likely to be present and their expression is subject to hormonal and genetic control.

单性种类的蜥蜴通常比其它种类的蜥蜴寿命要短,但在短期内它们更加健康。Cole said unisexual species do not generally survive as long as other species of lizards, but they can be healthier in the short term.

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各国纷纷通过修改或制定单性的法律对格式条款加以规范。Therefore, various countries tried to form the provision for form clause through the revision of constitution or the formulation of unisexual law.

在我们的孩子成长所处的世界里,所有智力玩具和游戏不再有性别之分。我们也不再强迫现在的年轻人接受原来那些陈腐的观念。Our children are growing up in a world with educational toys and games that are unisexual and we do not impose stereotypical perceptions upon our youth.

研究采用雌雄营养组织块和营养细胞进行培养,以了解坛紫菜单性营养细胞的生长发育情况。In order to learn more about the growth and development of unisexual vegetative cells of Porphyra haitanensis, female and male vegetative tissues and cells of P.

角苔一种金鱼藻属的水下植物,在风平浪静时会形成纵横交错的树枝网,生有。Any of several submerged plants of the genus Ceratophyllum, forming branched masses in quiet water and having finely dissected, whorled leaves and minute unisexual flowers.

该研究采用电子显微镜和光学显微镜观察了雪香兰单性花的器官发生及发育过程。We investigated the organogenic processes and anatomical characters related to unisexual flower development in H. orientale Merr. et Chun by scanning electron and light microscopy.

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生长于北美洲东部和中部盐碱沼泽地带的一种蓍花属的草类或灌木。Any of several herbs or shrubs of the genus Iva of eastern and central North America, often growing in salt marshes and having nodding, greenish flower heads with unisexual flowers.

一种铁木属落叶树木,尤指生长于北美东部的美洲铁木,有单性花组成的柔荑花序和类似啤酒花藤的果实串。Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Ostrya, especially O. virginiana of eastern North America, having unisexual flowers grouped in catkins and fruit clusters resembling hops.