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一个内心清净的人是一个自信的人。An undistracted person is a confident person.

我已经为你做好了这个工作,让你专注阅读。I've done the work for you, for undistracted reading.

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头脑的力量在于能够将注意力集中在一个单一的念头上。Strength of mind is the ability to concentrate undistracted on a single thought.

把我带到这片森林来的是在一个没有纷扰的地方进行文字工作的渴望。What brought me to the woods was the longing to be with words in an undistracted place.

Doherty说家庭吃饭时间能造就父母和孩子之间心平气和的互动。Doherty says family meal time can allow for undistracted interaction between parent and child.

我想要有自己公寓的理由之一就是有一个安静的地方写程序不受外界环境的干扰。One of the reasons I got my own apartment was so that I had a good place to program undistracted.

父母不为各种享受和权利的欲望分心,孩子才是他们的生活中最重要的。Parents, undistracted by the lust for luxury and status, accorded their children primacy in their lives.

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匿名的,独自的,分散化的现实使得在线赌博是一种特别有利的强迫性习惯。The anonymous, lonely, undistracted nature of online gambling is especially conducive to compulsive behavior.

这是他第一次单独来到这里,第一次全然不受打扰的站在这里,没有其他人的声音、面孔。This was thefirst chance he'd had to visit the scene alone, thefirst time he'dstood in this room undistracted by the voices, the faces, of the living.

很难专心安住于心性,即使只有片刻,都是异常的困难的,更别想去除生起的念头和烦恼。It is extremely hard to rest undistracted in the nature of mind, even for a moment, let alone to self-liberate a single thought or emotion as it rises.

然而,耶稣清楚地告诉她,有时候也要从永无止境的生活琐事中脱身,与他共度不被打扰的时光。Jesus made it clear to her, however, that sometimes it's necessary to step away from the unending pressures of life and spend undistracted time with Him.

这个准学术环境让杰出的研究员能够不分心地持续研究工作,或者只要他们愿意的话,也可以开拓出新的方向。The quasi-academic environment has enabled notable researchers to continue their work undistracted —or, if they so choose, to branch out in new directions.

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西莫和巴蒂希望弗兰尼和左伊在开端休息一下,不被造物的现象所影响,并且在那个地方知道上帝的意识。Seymour and Buddy want Franny and Zooey to rest at that origin, undistracted by the manifestations of the creation, and know some kind of consciousness of God in that place.

如果你的心能够自然地安住,并且如果你发现你单纯地受启发、不散乱地安住在净觉中,那么你就不需要任何的禅定方法。If your mind is able to settle naturally of its own accord, and if you find you are inspired simply to rest undistracted in its pure awareness, then you do not need any method of meditation.