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测震仪的运动是怎么转换成震动图的?How is the movement of the seismometer converted into a seismogram?

深度域的合成地震记录也与时间域类似。Seismogram synthesizing in depth domain is similar to that in time domain.

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由测井资料计算出来的地震记录道称为合成地震记录。A seismic trace calculated from well -log data is called a synthetic seismogram.

主要描述利用UNIX的SHELL组合命令实现数字地震图库的建立。This paper describes using the UNIX's SHELL commands to Create the digital seismogram library.

利用概率滤波可得分解后的地震图,从图中可以直接得到震相到时。The decomposed seismogram is obtained by using probability filtering, the arrived time can be find out from it directly.

最后讨论了用多道等价强反射系数作为特征来描述地震剖面层状构造的方法。Finally, an approach to structure description for seismogram using equivalent strong reflection coefficients is discussed.

本文通过对地震图特征的分析,提出了一个地震波的计算机自动提取方法。This paper presents a method for automatic extraction of seismogram by computer after analysing the characters of seismogram.

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以孤南209井区为例,探讨了复杂地质条件下分类型合成地震记录标定技术。As a case study, a grouped method to calibrate synthetic seismogram with complex geology has been approached in Gunan-209 area.

利用褶积模型制作人工合成地震记录,进而标定层位是地震资料解释的基础工作。It is basic work for seismic data interpretation by using convolution model for making synthetic seismogram and then marking event.

利用褶积模型,将深度域和时间域合成的地震记录相对比,揭示两者之间的本质区别。Using convolution model synthetic seismogram in time domain and depth domain is been contrast and the essence distinction is revealed.

地震级别是根据某一时期震动图记录的地震波振幅的对数值计算的。The magnitude of an earthquake is determined from the logarithm of the amplitude of waves recorded on a seismogram at a certain period.

文章给出了实际地震记录及合成地震记录应用此法的算例。In this paper, the computation examples are given to show the application of this method to actual seismic record and synthetic seismogram.

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在人工合成记录和一些实际地震记录上的实验表明,这种方法在一定的精度范围内是有实用价值的。The experiments on artificial synthetic seismogram and actual seismic records show that this method is of practical use in proper accuracy range.

通过制作合成地震记录来标定准确的时深关系是层序地层对比和储层反演的基础。Precise Time-Dpeth relationship derived from synthetic seismogram making is the base of sequence stratigraphic correlation and reservior inversion.

再用加权后的短时傅里叶变换数重构地震反射波记录消除地层吸收。With the use of the weighted short-time Fourier transform coefficient, reflection seismogram is reconstructed to eliminate stratigraphic absorption.

合成地震记录的精度直接影响到地震地质层位的准确标定。Synthetic seismogram is an important ligament of seism and geology and its precision straightway affects the calibration of the seismic geologic horizon.

本方法先计算远场格林函数,由褶积得到一般震源函数的弱吸收理论地震图。The method calculates the far-field Green function first, and then the theoretical seismogram for general source function can be obtained by convolution.

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本文对用有限单元法制作共炮点合成地震记录和零炮检距合成地震记录的方法进行了研究。In this paper, the way of constructing the common shot-point synthetic seismogram and the zero-offset synthetic seismogram by finite element method was examined.

用井口校验炮记录,校正声波测井并生成一个振幅随旅行时变化的合成地震记录。A check-shot survey of a well, which can be used to correct the sonic log and generate a synthetic seismogram that displays changes in amplitude versus traveltime.

核爆炸地震监测技术研究中,数据质量检测是地震数据自动处理的基本内容,毛刺是影响数据质量的主要问题数据。In the research of seismology for monitoring nuclear explosion, data quality checking is a basic step for seismogram automatic processing, spike is the main problem data.