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涅瓦认为生活会是这样。Neva thought that life would be like this.

某修道院外的涅瓦河上的游船。Tour boats on the Neva River outside the Hermitage.

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我从未到过布鲁克林,并且我想看看有什么好东西。I neva been to Brooklyn and I'd like to see what's good.

不久之后天微亮时,一名引水员把我们带进了涅瓦河。Shortly after the dawn, a pilot embayed us in the Neva River.

涅瓦河从俄罗斯的圣彼德堡市中心流过。The Neva River flows through the center of St Petersburg in Russia.

该公司最大的长期客户包括波恩和涅瓦河。Biggest and long time customers of the company include Bonn and NEVA.

最后一次,他被人乱棍殴打,然后被扔进冰冷的涅瓦河中。He was then clubbed, and for good measure thrown into the icy Neva River.

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这指的是六七月间,这座坐落在涅瓦河上的城市永不休眠。This is when the city on the Neva never sleeps in the months of June and July.

俄罗斯圣彼得堡中心的居民看著涅瓦河上的喷泉。People look at fountains on the Neva River in central St. Petersburg August 11, 2006.

如果你的朋友明天就离世了,而你却没有机会告诉他们你的感受?What would you do if your friend was gone tomorrow and you neva told them how you felt?

俄国圣人和民族英雄,得名自涅瓦河,他于1240年在此击败瑞典人。Russian saint and national hero named after the Neva River, where he defeated the Swedes in 1240.

1703年春,他在涅瓦河口涅恩思坎思的小要塞前部署了数量可观的军队。In the spring of 1703, he deployed a considerable force against the small citadel of Nyenskans at the mouth of the Neva.

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圣彼得堡是俄国第二大城市,坐落于波罗的海芬兰湾东端涅瓦河河畔。St. petersburg is the second largest city of Russia located on the Neva River at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea.

当天晚上,随着乐队奏起该市的市歌,普京主持了一场站立观看的表演,喷泉和礼花围绕涅瓦河畔。As the orchestra played the city' s anthem, Putin presided a standing show, and fountains and fireworks along the Neva River at night.

这个俄罗斯的疯和尚在最终屈服于尼瓦尔冰凉入骨的河水而被冻死前,成功地从毒药,刀伤,枪伤以及毒打中活了下来。The mad Russian monk survived poison, stab wounds, gunshots and a beating before finally succumbing to the icy waters of the River Neva.

涅瓦河本身连同它的许多运河,还有花岗岩堤坝和桥梁,都赋予了这座城市独一无二的、令人惊叹的气息。The Neva River itself, together with its many canals and their granite embankments and bridges gives the city a unique and striking ambience.

俄罗斯涅瓦河畔海滩做日光浴的美女在观看海军陆战队训练。In this July 24, 2008 file photo, sunbathers watch Russian marines training for Navy Day, on a beach of the Neva River in St. Petersburg, Russia.

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冬宫占了整整一个街区,浸淫着巴洛克时代特有的奇想和虚饰。房檐上一字排开的雕像似乎就要纵身跃入涅瓦河中。Filling an entire block, it bears all the whimsy and ornamentation of the baroque period, and statues line its roof edges like divers about to plunge into the Neva.

它曾经作为俄罗斯波罗地海舰队的船坞被设计,同时也是占据涅瓦河三角洲的一个重要堡垒。It was designed to be a dockyard, where some of the first ships of Russia's Baltic fleet were built, and also fortified to be an extra defense for the newly obtained Neva delta.