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他对世界形势感到怏怏不乐。He is glum about world affairs.

他头发灰白,戴着眼镜,显得严肃和阴郁。He looks grey, owlish , bespectacled, and glum.

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在出口下滑之际,德国的氛围也变得沉郁起来。As exports have slipped, the mood in Germany has turned glum.

这么多年来她灌到我们头脑里全是些阴郁、愁闷的东西。And it was glum and gloomy things she put there all those years.

共和党人知道中了圈套,看起来显得郁闷。The Republicans, knowing that they had been trapped, looked glum.

购物大街已经变成了这些布满百叶窗的店铺间阴沉的过道。The main shopping street had become a glum passageway of shuttered storefronts.

在军官室里,他说得那么少,显得那么忧郁,他的几个同事都不住地交换眼光。In the wardroom, he ate so little and looked so glum that his officers kept exchanging glances.

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这一发现有助于雇主甄别持消极人生观的应聘者。The discovery raises the prospect of employers screening out applicants who take a glum view on life.

你回得早啊!”她大声说,抬起头来吻他。“啊,呀!”她嘲笑他闷闷不乐的脸。"You' re back early! " she cried, reaching up to kiss him. "Oh, dear. " She laughed at his glum face.

不知道她是否是故意的,她的姿势就像是要给格罗姆先生一个机会清楚地看到她的衬衣里头。Whether she intended it or not, her posture was such as to afford Mr. Glum a clear view down her shirt.

他坐了下来,我往下再跳一点,“看这个前方那个女人的脖子。He sat and looked I'm skipping down a little bit, glum and intense, at the neck of the woman across from him.

“我每次来,”他责备白花说,“你好像总是闷闷不乐。可是,每次喜功来时你就眉开眼笑。”"Whenever I come, " he complained to White Flower, "you look glum , but every time Hsikung comes you look happy.

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葛瑞格垂头丧气地走进办公室,同事看到他闷闷不乐的,便问他发生了什么事。Greg walked into the office with his head hung low. His fellow co-workers saw his glum face and asked what was wrong.

“与大多数人相比,我更加关切潜在的风险和弱点,”他轻描淡写地如许说道。"I have more concerns about potential risks and vulnerabilities than most people, " he said, with glum understatement.

“与大多数人相比,我更加关切潜在的风险和弱点,”他轻描淡写地如许说道。“I have more concerns about potential risks and vulnerabilities than most people, ” he said, with glum understatement.

在褐皮书公布后,美国股市走低,而公债价格则因经济前景黯淡而上涨.U.S. stocks fell after the Fed's Beige Book was released, while Treasury debt prices rose on its glum economic outlook.

方琼想找人聊天,但是她的护士小曹永远都是对她只有礼貌,没有感情,方琼很郁闷。Fang Qiong want to find someone to chat, but her nurse XiaoCao is always only polite to her, without feeling, Fang Qiong glum.

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在办公室里我只得替范诺登读要校对的稿子。到了休息时间他把我拉到一边,脸色阴沉沉的,很难看。At the office I have to hold copy for Van Norden. When it comes time for the break he pulls me aside. He looks glum and ravaged.

如同纽约、伦敦、圣保罗、伊斯坦布尔和很多市场一样,近来广东路的气氛变得阴郁。The mood on Guangdong Road has been glum lately, as it has in New York, London, São Paulo, Istanbul and pretty much every other world market.

格罗姆先生那一刻被欲望冲昏了头脑。他的视线无法离开瓦妮特那将白衬衫撑得紧紧的的胸脯。Mr. Glum was confounded with lust for a moment. He could not take his eyes from where Vanity's bosom strained against her starched white shirt.