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当然,许多历史学家认为这是极不公正的。Many historians, of course, regard this as iniquitous.

要求他们马上削减是不公平的并且会让他们越发贫穷。Immediate cuts would be iniquitous and punish their poor.

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我们可以用“声名狼藉”或“臭名昭著”去形容这类“名誉”。We can use the word, "infamous"or iniquitous "to describe this kindoffame.

所以对这男孩的资料来说,突然面临一种公然的叫嚣反对,这是不公正的。It is so with this iniquitous boy literature and the sudden outcry against it.

多愁善感的人会立即被罪恶的人和无情的人彻底消灭。Men of feeling may at any moment be killed outright by the iniquitous and the callous.

在上帝义怒的时期里,不义者丧亡了,而方舟却成了义人的庇护所。In the time of wrath the iniquitous perished, but the ark became the shelter for the righteous man.

内心充满忌妒,心中不坦白,言语不正的人,不能算是一位五官端正的人。One can't be a person with upright facial features if filled with envy in his heart, if unhonest, or iniquitous saying.

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美国战斗部队正在从伊拉克撤出,而奥巴马则是首位对邪恶的医疗保健系统发起改革的总统。US combat troops are withdrawing from Iraq and Obama is the first president to reform America's iniquitous health-care system.

“这的确是一最不公道的事,”班纳特先生说,“柯林斯先生要继承浪博恩的产业,他这桩罪过是洗也洗不清的。It certainly is a most iniquitous affair, " said Mr. Bennet, "and nothing can clear Mr. Collins from the guilt of inheriting Longbourn.

“这的确是一最不公道的事,”班纳特先生说,“柯林斯先生要继承浪博恩的产业,他这桩罪过是洗也洗不清的。"It certainly is a most iniquitous affair," said Mr. Bennet, "and nothing can clear Mr. Collins from the guilt of inheriting Longbourn.

“这的确是一最不公道的事,”班纳特先生说,“柯林斯先生要继续浪博恩的产业,他这桩罪过是洗也洗不清的。"It certainly is a most iniquitous affair, " said Mr. Bennet, "and nothing can clear Mr. Collins from the guilt of inheriting Longbourn.

在伊朗的学生在竭力争取美国生活方式的同时,西方世界的许多人却在反对全球化,将它视为是不公正的自由市场式资本主义经济的象征。While students in Iran clamor for an American-style life, many in the West oppose globalization as the symbol of iniquitous free market capitalism.

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在佩恩删去的一段话中,吐温严厉斥责“邪恶的古巴-西班牙战争”和伦纳德·伍德将军在哈瓦那当总督时“如毒气般恶臭的行为”。In a passage removed by Paine, Twain excoriates “the iniquitous Cuban-Spanish War” and Gen. Leonard Wood’s “mephitic record” as governor general in Havana.

第三章主要叙述了珠池宦官和地方不法官员勾结为患,扰乱了中央和地方事务的正常开展。Chapter 3 tells us that the eunuch of pearl-pond which was collude by the local iniquitous officials disturbed the well-balanced orders both in center governmental and in regional place.

当诱惑临于不义者时,他没有信心呼求上帝的助佑,也不希望上帝的拯救,因为当他身处安乐时,离弃了上帝的旨意。When temptation overtakes the iniquitous man, he has no confidence wherewith to call upon God, nor to expect salvation from Him, since in the days of his ease he stood aloof from God's will.