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我把他画成党卫队全副武装的样子。I drew him in his SS regalia.

主要锻炼学生的单词辨认和认读能力。Can let Ss read one by one to look at CAI.

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回答问题,预测听力内容。预测信息。Ask the Ss to answer the questions in Part3.

排队成了结交新朋友的一个好方法。Line-up ss are a great way to make new friends.

党卫队开始急速占领他们放弃的阵地。The SS units moved to their jump-off positions.

再听灌音一遍,请学生试者回应以上问题。Play the tape , and ask the Ss listen and point.

生长抑素阳性细胞仅分布于胃部。SS positive cells were detected only in stomach.

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综合0800游戏倾销包括党卫军v2的!Integrated 0800 for game dumping including SS v2!

刚跑出包围圈,帕德博格中尉跑进一名党卫军上校管辖。Once beyond the gap, Padberg ran into an SS colonel.

结果三仁汤能提高已降低的SP、SS的含量。Results The contents of SP and SS were increased SD.

有目的地快速阅读课文,检测预测。Ss read the text quickly and check their predictions.

利用学生喜欢的乐调对学生进行听力能力的培养。Let Ss listen to music and describe this kind of music.

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学生找出的不多,教师可列举出有用的句子。例如。Task 5 Ss find more useful sentences in the news report.

在进程表中僵?尸进程占用进程入口么?。Are zombie processes using an entry in the proce?ss table?

诞生于1900年,罗马的第一俱乐部得救了。Avanti SS LAZIO 1900, still the first club of the capital!

这是一首选学的歌曲,让学生在平常听听。Listen to the song of Noodle, noodle, dumpling. Ss imitate.

学生阅读课文,了解文章大意,培养学生归纳总结的能力。Ss read the text and find out the main idea of the passage.

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使学生初步了解布贴画的形式特点。Enable Ss to realize the features of the cloth paste pictures.

我们还首次发现,SS能抑制EGF的促细胞多胺合成作用。SS partialy inhibited the effect of hEGF on polyamine synthesis.

学生应当通过以上问的问题,尝试猜测出此动物。Ss should try to guess the animal by asking the questions above.