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我是为他写的。I wrote for him.

他所写如次。He wrote as follows.

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马策在一篇随笔中写到。Ma wrote in an essay.

谁写的忽必烈汗?Who wrote Kubla Khan?

我用这只笔写的。I wrote with this pen.

他把我的名字写错了。He wrote my name wrong.

我从来没给汉娜写过信。I never wrote to Hanna.

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曾为你写下一首歌。I wrote a song for you.

我写错字了。I wrote the wrong word.

亲爱的梅雷迪斯,他写道。Dear Meredith, he wrote.

我一声尖叫,”迪丽娅写到。I cry out,” Delia wrote.

他写了一本有关音乐的书。He wrote a book on music.

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他写过几首芭蕾舞曲。He wrote several ballets.

我一声尖叫,”迪丽娅写到。I cry out, ” Delia wrote.

典狱长马上开了一张支票。The Warden wrote a check.

我们每隔一天写封信。We wrote every other day.

我昨晚给他写过信了。I wrote to him last night.

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当我在外时候,我总是写。While I was away, I wrote.

可你连一封信都没有写过。But you never wrote me once.

这是一本有关光荣的历史的书。He wrote a history of honor.