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英国人是不会推迟对我的复仇的。The English people will not delay in avenging me.

没有东西可以阻止我的复仇,就算是死亡。Nothing can stop me from avenging , even the death.

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我们能有办法防止复仇之怒也被驱散掉么?Will it be possible to prevent Avenging Wrath from being dispelled as well?

可他又非常非常的恼怒,决定找个法子报仇雪恨。Yet he became very annoyed and resolved to find a means of avenging himself.

总是有机会的人你是起诉和“复仇”的惩罚你回来。There is always a chance that the person you are suing and "avenging" could punish you back.

复仇的神或精灵,是复仇女神的男性化身,经常出现在希腊悲剧中。An avenging deity or spirit, the masculine personification of Nemesis, frequently evoked in Greek tragedy.

保护圣手在30秒内无法使用在刚使用过复仇之怒的玩家身上。Hand of Protection now Cannot be targeted on players who have used Avenging Wrath within the last 30 sec sec.

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为何上帝不采取报复,而宁愿透过这种缓慢而又神秘的途径,来使公义滋长?Why does God content Himself with the slow, mysterious way of making righteousness grow rather than avenging it?

他们实在是徒劳无功,东奔西逐,想试图通过盲动来逃避与日俱增的无聊。In vain they rush frantically round from place to place, trying to escape from avenging boredom by mere clatter and motion.

你和你的见识也当称赞,因为你今日拦阻我亲手报仇,流人的血。May you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands.

他如复仇天使般闯入其中,停止了舞会,要求众人考虑马丁·路德是否是个好人。He broke in upon them like an avenging angel, stopped the dance, and demanded to know if they considered Martin Luther to be a good man.

你的圣盾术,保护祝福,复仇之怒被驱散的同时自律也会被驱散。Whenever your Divine Shield, Blessing of Protection or Avenging Wrath spells are dispelled, Forebearance effect will be dispelled as well.

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巴基斯坦人阿里在报复丹麦漫画诋毁伊斯兰教和先知穆罕默德的比赛中获胜。Ali, a Pakistani, has won a competition for the honor of avenging the cartoons published in Denmark that disparaged Islam and the Prophet Muhammad.

王师北曾经胜利离队,刀锋小队万众一心,一心要和鬼子血战到底,为家人报仇雪恨。King division north once victory anywhere, blade party politburo, and bent and the alliance for the family, the last drop ofblood avenging himself.

受了刺激的变形战斗机驾驶员和气垫坦克手们释放了他们阴暗的自我,像复仇天使一般穿过破裂的天空和地狱般的森林,横扫一切。Re-inspired, VT pilots and Hovertankers let loose their own shadow selves, and swept like avenging angels through ruptured sky and forests infernal.

我只记得一个奔腾咆哮的大海,四面八方都是巨浪,巨浪,象一群群从大洋坟墓中爬出来复仇索命的魔鬼般的巨浪。All that i remember is a shrieking sea of foam, out of which the billows rose here, there, and everywhere like avenging ghosts from their ocean grave.

本则寓言劝谕世人,勿生侮慢之心,须知弱者受辱怯意顿消,无不伺机报仇雪耻。The fable teaches one not to despise anyone. One must say to oneself that there is no being so feeble that he is not capable one day of avenging an insult.

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中国的世界头号选手林丹在周日的奥林匹克羽毛球赛中稳获金牌,大胜马来西亚李宗伟,一雪四年前雅典奥运会上前一轮失败之耻。China's world number one Lin Dan clinched gold in the Olympic badminton Sunday, outclassing Malaysia's Lee Chong Wei and avenging his first round loss in Athens four years ago.

狂乱、激怒、嫁祸诀窍、破坏能手、死亡之愿、奥术强化、枭兽狂乱、狂野怒火和狂乱的伤害加成效果不再叠加。Hysteria, Tricks of the Trade, Enrage, Wrecking Crew, Death Wish, Arcane Power, Owlkin Frenzy, Beast Within, Avenging Wrath and Hysteria damage bonuses no longer stack together.

如果复仇的天使伪装成幽灵似的白鼬,悄然向它靠近,这自鸣得意的小东西虽一动不动,身处角落,也要发出惊恐的尖叫。And if the avenging angel in the shape of the ghostly ferret steals down on him, there comes a shriek of terror out of that little hump of self-satisfaction sitting motionless in a corner.