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协议具有强不可伪造性和强不可否认性。The proposed protocol provides strong non-forgeability and strong non- deniability.

腐败官员一般会跟他们的白手套们刻意保持距离,以使自己有否认的空间。Corrupt officials deliberately keep some distance from their white gloves to give them room for deniability.

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像现在中国和俄罗斯这样鼓励成群的闲散黑客来做这种肮脏的工作,并允许这种能在合理范围轻易否认的行为。States like China and Russia now encourage groups of freelance hackers to do their dirty work, allowing plausible deniability.

隐形技术不仅是为了让飞机避开导弹,也为秘密行动提供了掩护。The motive behind stealth technology is not just to allow planes to avoid missiles but also to give * deniability to * covert operations.

合情不知情被窗外,没有遗憾的饮料生产商,因为战略是乘坐的争议,以销售额和利润。Plausible deniability was out the window, to no regret by the beverage maker, because the strategy was to ride controversy to sales and profits.

过分感兴趣的身体语言,直面,倾斜,如同你在展现你的兴趣,使你不能恰当地展示拒绝。Overly interested body language. Facing, leaning in, etc. Almost as if you're making a point of your interest, which destroys plausible deniability.

许多形式的统计造假极难被抓住,或是太过于接近真实的分析决断,从而可以充分拒绝造假的指控。Many forms of statistical falsification are devilishly difficult to catch, or close enough to a genuine judgment call to provide plausible deniability.

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专家还说,以色列和美国联手以搞垮伊朗为目标,但是华盛顿却急于“貌似可信的推诿”。The expert added that Israel worked in collaboration with the United States in targeting Iran, but that Washington was eager for “plausible deniability.”

客户不能预先说明需求后就离开,若软件失败则依靠难以自圆其说的推诿伎俩来为自己掩护。The customer can't specify requirements up front and then disappear, counting on plausible deniability to cover for himself if the software ends up a bomb.

被认为是干涉密封在外国领土上的内部冲突,可能的不可否认性的一部分,美国政府是内置到故事情节。Being that the Seals are interfering in an internal conflict on foreign soil, plausible deniability on the part of the US government is built into the storyline.

习惯性地,埃及政府并没有给该网站设定重定向页面,而只是把网速变得极慢,造成了它自身的合理性推诿。As is its habit, the Egyptian government hasn't created a redirect page for the site, but merely slowed traffic down to a crawl to give itself plausible deniability.

这使得中国方面可以做出似乎合理的否认,虽然没有直接的途径,但是武器和炸药通过这些团体传递而并没有直接的联系。This gives the Chinese plausible deniability because there is no direct route, but arms and explosives could be coming through some of these groups, not directly connected.

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例如,中国就要求沙特购买其CS22导弹是必须支付现金,保证时候可以否认交易存在。It demanded of the Saudis, for instance, to whom it sold CSS2 missiles, payment in cash, ensuring both the cementing of a key strategic relationship and total deniability of the sale.

专家指出最大的难题是网络攻击最初是从哪里发起的。他们说允许像小陈一样的黑客在可拒绝的虚拟世界里操作。One of the biggest problems experts say is trying to prove where a cyber attack originates from, and that they say allows hackers like Xiao Chen to operate in a virtual world of deniability.