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在硬币消失的魔术中就运用了一个简单的误导手法。A simple example of misdirection is used in the coin drop trick.

整个会面就是一场精心安排的误导破案的表演。The whole meeting was an elaborately staged act of misdirection.

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因为没有比较装扮成傻瓜更好的误导了。Because there's no better misdirection than appearing to be a fool.

没有这个逻辑信息分析过程,创新有可能进入误区。Without this logical information review process, creativity will drown in misdirection.

很多人不知道光线的滥用和乱射也是一种污染。Not many people realize that the misuse or misdirection of light is a form of pollution.

校正你的目标和方向——不这样做就会偏离方向。Reflect on Your Goals and Direction – Not doing so is committing to wasteful misdirection.

我想一个变戏法的人可能会称之为别的,比如说花招,误导。I think a magician might call this something else, you know, sleight of hand, misdirection.

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你将在柏林陪伴他一天,学习他的基本理论和错引方法。You will accompany Manuel Muerte for a day in Berlin, learning the fundamentals of misdirection.

如何适应这一相对铭记吹误导发挥这一标准的研究就成为企业的问题。How to adjust to this relatively mind-blowing misdirection play that is standard research then becomes the business issue.

模型潜在地处于被误导、及无知冠以其一个纯粹代表产品特征的破旧称号的危险之中。the model is potentially in danger of misdirection and ignorance rendering it a worn-out moniker that represents mere product features.

近来约克大学的古斯塔夫.库恩博士和他的同事利用“把球变没”这个戏法验证了误导人们心理的一个非常简单的例子。A recent study by Dr Gustav Kuhn of York University and colleagues has examined a very simple use of misdirection in the vanishing ball trick.

因此,误导观众不只是让它们看错误的方向——真正成功的魔术师会转移它们的注意力。Misdirection of an audience, therefore, depends on more than just making people look the wrong way----the truly successful magician misdirects attention.

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可以这么说,更多事故起因于,相关仪器的失灵而产生出导航错误和无线电静默,这些消失者只是坠入了大海。Rather were they caused by related instrument malfunctions that created misdirection and radio silence, and the disappearances were simply crashes into the sea.

在我国,儿童的生活自理能力普遍低下,其主要原因是家长的过度爱护和学校、教师在教育儿童当中存在误区。In our country, however , children are generally poor in such abilities and the causes are chiefly from too much spoil by families and from misdirection by school teachers.

新的绳子技巧克服了总的对意念的误导、以及由于通常投射所需要的步骤而对意念能量的长时间的浪费的问题。The new ROPE method overcomes the general misdirection of mental resources and the chronic waste of mental energy caused by the usual lengthy procedures needed for projection.

通过比较不同桥接材料和不同修复方法的错接率,从而定量评价各修复材料和方法的趋化性再生效果。Effectiveness of selective nerve regeneration in different grafting materials and repair methods can be evaluated quantitatively by comparison of its regeneration misdirection rate.