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衪自愿为罪人付代价。He paid the price of sin voluntarily.

维特自觉选择了死亡。Werther voluntarily chooses the death.

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化霜水自动蒸发,无需接驳排水管。Melted frost voluntarily evaporates, no need drainpipe.

俱乐部是一个全部自愿管理的非政治性组织。The Club is entirely voluntarily run and is non political.

4年后坎普顿主动归还了画作。Four years later Bumpton returned the painting voluntarily.

的确曾有一架德国轰炸机自动地在德文郡降落。Certainly one German bomber landed voluntarily in Devonshire.

如果人们都自发不买它们的产品,它们就会破产。If people do not voluntarily buy their products, they go bankrupt.

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政府号召青年义务献血。The government calls on the youth to donate their blood voluntarily.

过了一定的年龄,程序员很少再会主动的更换语言了。After a certain age, programmers rarely switch languages voluntarily.

我辅导朋友是出于自愿,也就是说,自愿地。I tutored my friend on a volunteer basis, in other words, voluntarily.

我们已圆满地劝服了许多地方自愿取消种族隔离。We have succeeded in persuading many districts to desegregate voluntarily.

自由参与,学生可以提出任何与课堂有关的问题。Participation is voluntarily and students can post any class-related issues.

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所有受试者或家属均对本研究签署知情同意书并同意参加。All people in both groups voluntarily joined this study with informed consents.

作为个人,武装部队的一员将永远不能志愿投降。As an individual, a member of the armed forces may never voluntarily surrender.

他经常义务清刷墙上的非法广告。He often voluntarily brushes away and clears illegal advertisements on the wall.

我在玩团队射击游戏的时候,通常会将队友的说话声音屏蔽掉。I've played team-based shooting games in which I voluntarily muted my teammates.

在研究中,罗妮自愿走进配备有大屏幕的区域。During the study, Rollie voluntarily went into the area equipped with the screen.

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目的了解自愿戒毒者脱毒后的心理状况。Objective To know the mental status of the persons of voluntarily stopping drugs.

阳台门打开,房间空调将自动停止。The balcony door is unfolded , and the room air-condition shall cease voluntarily.

然后,通过法律或合同,他是有意还是自愿交回的权利。Then, by law or by contract, he intentionally or voluntarily surrenders his right.