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在脉之间具洼点的无梗小穗的更低的颖片。Lower glume of sessile spikelet pitted between veins.

该突变体的茎、叶、穗出现条斑。The mutant showed white stripe on stem, leaf and spikelet.

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小穗为由2个颖片和1–2朵小花组成的假小穗。The spikelet is a pseudospikelet consisting of two glumes and 1–2 florets.

颖片的3突出,绿色的脉是一个小穗的明显的特征。The 3 prominent, green veins of the glumes are an obvious feature of the spikelet.

与对照相比,千粒重和小穗数均显著增加。The thousand seed weight and number of spikelet were also significantly increased.

穗数的确定通常先于小穗数的确定。Determination of panicle number generally precedes determination of spikelet number.

此外,“88F2185”4D染色体上还存在减少小穗数目的隐性基因。Moreover, chromosome 4D of "88F2185" carriedrecessive gene decreasing spikelet number.

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而顶小穗形成之后,激素直接调节小花的发育。But fertile floret number is directly regulated by hormones after the top spikelet formation.

重穗型组合的维管束颖花负荷量、总库容负荷量均与汕优63相当。The vascular bundle has a similar spikelet number load and sink load in the HPHR and Shanyou 63.

本研究还表明花粉育性及小穗育性的座位互作是极其复杂的。In this study, the interactions of locus were complex in both pollen fertility and spikelet fertility.

SNB在所检测的所有组织中都表达,但在新长出的小穗分生组织中表达特别强。SNB is expressed in all the examined tissues, but most strongly in the newly emerging spikelet meristems.

极低、高范围内的温度影响小穗生成、熟和最终籽粒产量。Temperature within extremely low and high levels, affected spikelet formation, ripening, and final grain yield.

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另一些学者则并不认为形态学特征是划分批碱草属的关键,他们对批碱草属的定义要宽泛地多。But some scholars who defined Elymus more broadly, do not consider the number of spikelet per ear as a restriction.

种群内变异幅度最大和最小的分别为节间长和小穗数。The variation extent of internode length is the Maximum in population, while that of spikelet number is the minimum.

并且在海南,无论是亲本还是后代群体,其颖花退化现象均比武汉严重。The degree of the degenerated spikelet on either parents or the progenies all showed more seriously in Hainan than that in Wuhan.

这一小相异,地区分布的表面上,按无梗小穗的有毛的上面颖片主要区分。This is a small variant, apparently of local distribution, distinguished mainly by the hairy upper glume of the sessile spikelet.

结果表明,糯稻具有与原品种相同的生育期,相似的农艺性状、穗部和花器性状。Sesults indicated that the mutant waxy rice had the same growth duration, similar agronomic characters, panicle and spikelet traits as parent.

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主穗颖花退化率和最大颖花退化率均与穗长存在极显著的负相关。The primary panicle degenerated spikelet rate and maximum degenerated spikelet rate were significantly correlated with primary panicle length.

孕穗末期喷施S-07溶液可降低强势粒但提高弱势粒灌浆前期的内源IAA水平。The application of S-07 solution at the booting stage could decrease the IAA content of vigorous spikelet, but increased that of weak spikelet.

穗粒数受环境影响很大,结实率和千粒重一般比较稳定。Compared to ripened grain and 1000-grain weight, the spikelet number per panicle of film mulched rice was easily affected by environmental condition.