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沉重的脚步声。A heavy footfall.

转动的轮子,然后是这夜晚轻柔的脚步。Whirling wheel, then soft footfall of thought.

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我被他的脚步声从梦想中唤醒。I was roused from dreamy thoughts by his footfall.

当她下到下一层楼时,她的脚步声不久就消失了。Presently her footfall die out as she descend to the lower floor.

小猫的爪垫提供了相似的摩擦力,并减弱每次的脚步声。A cat's paw pads provide similar traction and muffle each footfall.

我在灰尘中喜欢赤裸脚的脚声,沈默的当做猫通过。I like the footfall of naked feet in the dust, silent as a cat passing.

突然干枯的草地上传来了老鼠轻快的脚步声。The Rat 's light footfall was presently heard approaching over the parched grass.

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虽然走过我家门的行人那样多,我总能分辨出他的足音。I can always distinguish his footfall among those of many pedestrians before our home.

其圆弧形的踏步,是女主人最为自得之处。The footfall of form of its circular arc, it is the place with most complacent goodwife.

当我坐下的时候,只听到客厅里开门的声音,地板上响起了一阵轻微的脚步声,随后楼梯平台的门重重地关上了。As I was about to sit down, I heard the drawing-room door open and a light footfall made a floorboard creak. Then the door to the landing slammed shut.

为期五天的访问期间,当地的酒吧,俱乐部,饭店和景点将引来这些美国士兵的消费潮。The city's bars, clubs, restaurants and visitor attractions are bracing themselves for a massive footfall when thesailors hit dry land during their ship's five-day visit.

直到有一天,她听到楼梯口传来沉重的脚步声,听到有人慌慌张张跑上第一层的楼梯,还听到有人在叫喊着些什么。Then came the day when she heard a heavy footfall on the first landing, heard somebody running frantically up the first flight of stairs, heard a man's voice shouting something.

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直到有一天,她听到楼梯口传来沉重的脚步声,听到有人慌慌张张跑上第一层的楼梯,还听到有人在叫喊着些什么。Then came the day when she heard a heavy footfall on the first landing, heard somebody running frantically up the first flight of stairs, heard a man’s voice shouting something.

根据单步落足曲线,结合影响人群行走效应的因素如人群分布、行走频率及个体生理特征等,采用随机方法模拟人群行走激励。Crowd excitation is simulated by random method according to normal footfall force curve and other individual factors such as distribution of crowd, step frequency and physiological characteristics.