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他两手叉腰,站在铺子前。Children standing with arms akimbo.

他两手叉腰站立着。Children standing akimbo by the fence.

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工艺品歪着头,一手叉腰,站在。The crafts tilted his head hand akimbo Zhang splayleg standing.

女主人双手叉腰站著对他的新仆人说话。The mistress stood with arms akimbo while she talked to her new servant.

其他竞争对手如Akimbo公司把类似的盒子带到市场上,失败了。Other competitors like Akimbo brought similar boxes to market—and failed.

插要站着,对女主人诉说着她的一桩心思。She stood with arms akimbo while she gave the mistress a piece of her mind.

它依然熟睡,双脚抵腰,好像在追逐着瞌睡猫。He was still deep in sleep, legs kicking akimbo as he raced across a field after an imaginary cat.

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然后,以右手叉腰,左手按摩36次,方法同上,方向相反。Next, with right hand akimbo , left hand is massaged 36 times, the method is Alexandrine, way is opposite.

两个女人,一个站在东边,一个站在西边,横眉竖眼,伸颔叉腰。Two woman, a station on the eastern side, a station on the west, put on a fierce look, Extension Chin akimbo.

在歌舞伎的夜总会,舞女们在波拉相机面前摆出迷人的姿势。In the strip clubs of Kabuki-cho. dancers pass Polaroid cameras to the patrons and pose, legs akimbo , for thousand-yen tips.

他们在座位上摊手摊脚,有些全神贯注地在玩手机,有些几个人一起轻声谈话。They were sprawled, all legs and arms akimbo across their seats, absorbed in their cellphones or speaking quietly in small knots.

就是在这些文献中,我们的单词akimbo出乎意料的早出现了200多年,下一个引用则是在17世纪了。It was in one of these that our word akimbo unexpectedly appeared more than 200 years earlier than the next citation in the 1600s.

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门开了,一个少校叉着腰等着他,只有一米三左右还整了个灰色朋克头型的女人。The doors opened. A lieutenant commander stood with arms akimbo waiting for him, a woman barely a meter and a quarter with a gray widow's peak.

那个抱木柴来的年轻英俊的士兵,两手叉腰,就地快速和有节奏的跺着冻僵了的脚。The handsome young soldier who had brought in the wood put his arms akimbo , and began a smart and nimble shuffle with his frozen feet as he stood.

娜塔莎扔下披在她身上的头巾,向大叔面前跑去,她双手叉腰,耸耸肩膀,停步了。Natasha flung off the shawl that had been wrapped round her, ran forward facing the uncle, and setting her arms akimbo , made the movements of her shoulder and waist.

篮子又大又重,卡尔为了走路方便些,就把篮子放在头顶上顶着,当她两手叉腰走路的时候,篮子就在她的头顶上危险地摇晃着。The basket being large and heavy, Car had placed it for convenience of porterage on the top of her head, where it rode on in jeopardized balance as she walked with arms akimbo.

醉却东倾又西倒,双靴柔弱满灯前。环行急蹴皆应节,反手叉腰如却月。Lurch eastward and westward like being drunk, dance without cease before the lamp. All movements in compliance with rhythms, with gesture of backhands akimbo like the crescent moon.