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谁在这决定命运的早上叫钱先生?Who called Mr. Qian on that fateful morning?

这一步骤带来了许多严重的后果。This step involved many fateful consequences.

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恶行会产生严重的后果。Evil deeds may beget many fateful consequences.

这次命运恢关的会见此时已接近尾声。And now this fateful interview had come to a close.

我在思想上不断地重温着那决定不幸命运的日子。I relived that fateful day over and over in my mind.

我真的觉得对咱两来说这是一次命运攸关的旅行。I really think this is a fateful trip for both of us.

所以今天,中东站在一个决定命运的十字路口。So today, the Middle East stands at a fateful crossroads.

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大门的决议性最新数占有一个致命过错。The fateful up-to-date data of the gate have a fatalerror.

他听到法官字鬃千钧的话,顿吮垂透丧区。His heart sink as he listen the judge utter the fateful word.

事发那晚曼娜穿的衣服正是那个警长送她的礼物。The clothes she was wearing that fateful night were his gift.

12月23日于中东和平进程而言是个重大的日子。December 23 was a fateful day for the Middle East peace process.

说了“这很容易”这句预言性的话后几秒钟,他的心脏就停止跳动。Seconds after uttering the fateful words 'this is easy', he crashed.

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这里有一个更重大的例子,来自美国历史上的一个人物Here's an even more fateful example from a figure in American history

巴尔克一度被列为那场惨烈战斗的阵亡者之一。For a time, Bulq was listed as one of the casualties of that fateful battle.

在激烈的争斗中,布埃尔为了救他的朋友而杀害了其中一人。In a fateful confrontation, Isaac kills one of the vagrants to save his friend.

决定命运旳时刻,往往是那些必须厘清传说与真相旳时刻。The fateful moment always arrives when legend and truth have to be disentangled.

他的朋友约文想起,在这同一个不祥的日子里,最近还发生了另一次的「背叛」。" His friend Jovan remembered a more recent "betrayal" on the same fateful date.

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收集火柴是一种乐趣,除非一天其中一根不幸燃烧起来。Collecting matchsticks was fun, until that fateful day one of them caught alight.

在电影“相间恨晚”里,库.赛莉娅.约翰森和特雷弗.郝沃德命中注定的邂逅就是在这里。Cue Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard for their fateful meeting in Brief Encounter.

是一些决定性的突变让这种良性的猩猩病毒变身为人类杀手的吗?Had a few, fateful mutations changed an innocuous chimp virus into a human killer?