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摄影在其调解的角色中具有包容性。Photography is inclusive in its mediatory role.

中方是否会为解决利比亚当前危机发挥调停作用?Will China play a mediatory role in the current crisis in Libya?

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斡旋受贿的立法规定需要重新定位。The legislation of the crime of mediatory acceptance of bribe needs reconsideration.

斡旋受贿的构成一直是有争议的问题。The constitution of mediatory acceptance of bribe has always been a problem at issue.

调解,作为我国民事诉讼的“优良传统”和“成功经验”,已失去昔日的光环和荣耀。The mediatory system, regarded as"excellent tradition"and"successful experience", loses its glory by degrees.

这份录像是哈马斯激进组织所录并由在埃及和德国从中斡旋才得以送抵以色列。The video shot by Hamas militants was delivered to Israel through the efforts of Egyptian and German mediatory.

而墨守于现行的民事诉讼调解程序,则是背离了时代发展的要求。It will lapse from the demand of the social development if we still cling to the present mediatory system in civil action.

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在医疗实践中,如何发挥道德调节的作用,从而使医患关系由不和谐趋于和谐,由冲突走向融合。How, in medical practice, can the mediatory role of morals be brought about so as to harmonize the doctor-patient relationship ?

我国自古以来就有调解的传统,这种传统已有数千年的历史,在我国纠纷解决中发挥了重大的作用。There has been mediatory tradition since ancient times in our country, and this kind of tradition has been extended for thousands of years.

化解两阴性之冲斗,最好是用阳性来作和事老,然则即是做丈夫的要付责任去调停。Those who dissolve two negative is strong bottle, had better be to use masculine gender to come peacemaker, ining that case is namely become the man should pay responsibility to go mediatory.