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丘比特的箭射得真准。Cupid shoots so trim.

我辈都听,爱神差遣。Cupid he rules us all.

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所以跳舞者、多纳、慧星和丘比特。So Dancer and Donner, Comet and Cupid.

丘比特在地面发现了已经死亡的普赛克。Cupid found her lifeless on the ground.

而今天,丘比特的爱情之箭又射向了他。But today Cupid fired another arrow at him.

丘比特被阿波罗这么一说,心里很不服气。Cupid was Apollo so say, heart unconvinced.

为何邱比特是情人节的象徵?。Why is cupid the symbol of valentine's Day?

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令人爱恨交加的丘比特!Call it a love-hate relationship with Cupid.

于是阿芙洛狄特找来她的儿子,丘比特神。So she went to find her son, the god, Cupid.

山尼那张丘比特式的脸气的涨红了。Sonny's heavy Cupid face grew red with anger.

但是,丘比特确深深爱上了普赛克,并娶她为妻。But instead, Cupid fell deeply in love with her.

邱比特是情人节最著名的象征。Cupid is the most famous symbol of Valentine's Day.

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爱神旳剑,也有射偏旳时候,所以这是我们旳不幸。Cupid 's sword, also shot time, so it is our misfortune.

我是否尝试著做上帝跟邱比特的工作?Am I trying to do the job that cupid or God suppose to do?

丘比特和他的小天使们将环绕着你大献殷勤。Cupid and his fleet of angels will be working hard for you!

丘比特的箭袋里没有足够的箭给这两个人。Cupid didn’t have enough arrows in his quiver for this pair.

在罗马帝国,丘比特是以爱神阿佛洛狄忒的儿子闻名的。In Roman lore, Cupid is known as Eros, the son of Aphrodite.

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调皮的丘比特把那枝铅做的钝箭射向达芙妮。Naughty Cupid put the branch of lead blunt arrows at daphne.

嘿!欢迎回来!这是丘比特先生站在时代广场。Hey! Welcome back! This is Mr. Cupid standing in Times Square.

众神感动于普赛克对丘比特之爱,于是将她封为女神。The gods, moved by Psyche's love for Cupid made her a goddess.