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他把手臂从她牢牢抓住的手中抽出来。He disengaged his arm from her grip.

如果你不喜欢这项事业,你会最终弃之而去。If you don't love the cause, you'll end up disengaged.

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歼击机很快从战斗中撤出了。The fighter planes quickly disengaged from the combat.

闭锁设备。可指定为已占用或未占用。Latching device. Engaged or disengaged can be specified.

一个男人从人群中挤出来,走上前。A man disengaged himself from the crowd and came forward.

因为防盗器响了。但是他们一定把它切断了。The car alarm gent off, but they must have disengaged it.

在头脑风暴会议中,有人溜号而且破坏所作的努力。Somebody, in the session, is disengaged and sabotages the effort.

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我已经将将战列舰转向南并改组我的驱逐舰从旁边分开。I have turned my BBs south and shuffle the DDs to the disengaged side.

不,我听到了,防盗器响了,但是他们一定把它切断了。No , I heard them. The car alarm went off , but they must have disengaged it.

一旦刹车踏板是脱离接触,但是,持久性有机污染物的车辆返回到驱动器。Once the brake pedal is disengaged , however, the vehicle pops back into drive.

用王总的话,我现在就一农民,完全和时代脱轨了。As the word of Sherry, I am a farmer now. I have disengaged with era completely.

接着她就挽住达西空着的那条臂膀,丢下伊丽莎白,让她独个儿去走。Then taking the disengaged arm of Mr. Darcy, she left Elizabeth to walk by herself.

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在遭受惨重伤亡后,敌舰退出了海战。The enemy warships were disengaged from the battle after suffering heavy casualties.

贾妮斯松开了手,催着卡贝尔继续之前他俩的话题。Janice disengaged herself and urged Cabell to go on with what they had been discussing.

圣灵在个人的经历的工作是不能舆圣经分割的。The work of the Holy Spirit in personal experience cannot be disengaged from Scripture.

就好像他的嘴巴已经不受他控制了似的,已经代替他的大脑掌握了全局。It appeared that his mouth had completely disengaged from his brain and commandeered the helm.

他把手从吊带中解出来,他使用右手就象他没有感到疼痛那样。He had disengaged his arm from the sling, and he used his right hand as though it did not hurt him.

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按巴瑞特的情况,因为她的上司脱离了公司,她已经能够承担更多的角色。In Barrett's case, she's been able to take on more roles as her boss has disengaged from the company.

基于这样缺乏作为的董事会以及高层态度,巴菲特的接班人将继承怎样的企业文化?What kind of culture will his successor inherit based on this disengaged board and the tone at the top?

每个挡位都对应离合器和制动器工作状态的某一种组合。Each gear corresponds to a certain combination of clutch packs and brake bands being engaged or disengaged.