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这是一种有效的曲线光顺方法。And it is a practicable method for fairing curves.

挥挥衣袖,告别昨日的云彩。Waving the gusset, fairing the cloud of yesterday.

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提出了一种局部光顺NURBS曲线的算法。A algorithm is presented for locally fairing NURBS curves.

右大翼机身整流罩前部有几颗螺钉松动。Forward right wing to body fairing has several loose screws.

螺桨毂盖,机头整流罩某些飞机上装于螺旋桨叶毂上的整流罩。A fairing fitted over the hub of the propeller in some aircraft.

本文着重讨论了三次平面B样条曲线曲面的光顺。This article focuses on three plane B-spline surfaces of the fairing.

在这一基础上,利用曲面光顺的网格能量法,给出了计算网格顶点的优化模型。Based on it, an optimization model is presented by fairing of the mesh.

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本文首先介绍了FASTLINE船舶线型设计和光顺系统。The paper introduces a ship lines design and fairing software FASTLINE.

该方法通过对局部控制顶点的修改来进行曲线光顺。A fairing method based on energy method for cubic B-spline curves is presented.

研究了在光栅矢量化后的光顺问题。The curve fairing after raster curve has been vectorized is researched in this paper.

基于新的光顺准则设计了一种船体线型光顺法。At last, we designed a fairing method of ship lines based on the new fairing criterias.

两部空调组件安装在机腹整流罩内的非增压区域。Two air conditioning packs are installed in the unpressurized area in the belly fairing.

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研究了曲线和曲面的光顺准则、方法和评估手段。The principles, methods and evaluation of the fairing of surfaces and curves are also discussed.

计算结果表明了舰壳声纳的远场声特性良好。The calculated results show that the far sound characteristic of hull sonar and its fairing are good.

采用合金流线型外壳,先进的静电喷涂,豪华美观。It adopts alloy fairing and advanced electrostatic painting and is luxury and beautiful in appearance.

这种设计使气流与轮胎齐平,而与其他各支车队的球状整流截然不同。This design keeps the fairing flush with the wheel unlike the more bulbous arrangement of other teams.

在中国,大部分周六的晚上,罗伯特都会调到诺福克电台,收听诺威奇市的情况是怎样的。On most Saturday evenings in China, Robert tunes into Radio Norfolk to hear how Norwich City is fairing.

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检查机翼,短舱,机身到机翼的整流装置,上下短舱有无燃油或其他液体渗漏。Examine the wings, nacelles, and upper and lower nacelle strut-to-wing fairing for fuel or other fluid leaks.

新鲜空气量是通过水产导管顶部的整流罩壳牌通过管是针对我的脸。Fresh air intake is through a NACA duct in the top of the fairing shell via a tube that is directed to my face.

还说明了本算法在曲面光顺和逆工程中的意义以及算法推广后在曲面荒加工中的应用。This algorithm has potential significance in fairing of surfaces and reverse engineering and hogging huge blades.