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一个香烟头。A cigarette end.

这支烟点着了。The cigarette was lit.

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抱歉,我想抽枝烟。me,I want a cigarette.

我想抽支烟。I would like a cigarette.

我敬了他一支烟。I offered him a cigarette.

他敬她一支烟。He offered her a cigarette.

他猛抽香烟。He pulled at his cigarette.

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每枝香烟烟草减。Less tobacco per cigarette.

马丁皱着眉头坐着。他向我要了枝香烟。He asked me for a cigarette.

一个JKR抽的香烟品牌。Brand of cigarette JKR smoked.

他向我讨了一支香烟。He cadged a cigarette from me.

他一口一口地吸着香烟。He puffed away at a cigarette.

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他敬他老板一支烟。He offered his boss a cigarette.

汉森伸手取拿他的香烟。Hansen reached for his cigarette.

他卷了一支香烟点着了。He rolled a cigarette and lit up.

我可以向你要支香烟吗?May I cadge a cigarette from you?

尼克眯起眼睛吸着烟。Nick squinted over his cigarette.

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什么是依思瑞电子烟?What is YSR Electronic Cigarette?

烟卷从我的嘴里掉了下来。The cigarette fell out of my lips.

我的房间闻起来有烟味。My room smells like cigarette smoke.