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现在我们来看看热力学。Now let's go and do the energetics.

现在我们要从热力学来研究。Now I want to look at the energetics.

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我将考虑到热力学。And I am going to count the energetics.

现在我们给它进行热力学讨论。We can do the energetics on this one now.

让我们再看看热力学。Let's take another look at the energetics.

我们来看看库伦定律中的热力学知识。Let's look at the energetics of Coulomb's Law.

现在我们来看看热力学。Now let's look at the energetics graphically now.

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这就是简单的晶体形成的静电原理。So this is simply the energetics of crystal formation.

现在我想看一下关于这个的热力学知识。So now, I want to take a look at the energetics of that.

构造原理的第二点是,它只和能量相关。The second point of the Aufbau Principle is just energetics.

接下来,我们在回顾下热力学。And so, let's go back and take a look at the energetics again.

昨天,我们讲的是离子键的热力学,对么?Now, last day, we looked at the energetics of the ionic bond, right?

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所以现在我们要做的就是,看一下与之相关的热力学。So, what we're going to do now is look at the energetics associated with that.

所以现在我们要做的就是,看一下与之相关的热力学。So, what we're going to do now is look at the energetics associated with that.

而这些相似的体验能够允许形成一种转换,在这新的能量之间建立桥梁。These similar experiences can allow an exchange which bridges the energetics of the new.

我认为我们刚刚到这一点,我们才能够开始学习,这里面的能量学。And I think we just got to the point where we were able to start looking at the energetics of that.

我们一起来考察一下,其中的一个电子的能量,在阴极射线管中,撞击到氢原子上。Let's look at the energetics of one of those electrons crashing into a hydrogen atom inside the gas tube.

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我们的情感连接我们到那更宽广的宇宙和从最初源头放射出的能量学。Our emotions are what connect us to the broader universe and the energetics that radiate from First Source.

伯恩哈勃循环,可以让我们计算能量,特别是离子键的。The Born-Haber cycle was designed to allow us to calculate the energetics of, in particular,the ionic bond.

伯恩哈勃循环,可以让我们计算能量,特别是离子键的。The Born-Haber cycle was designed to allow us to calculate the energetics of, in particular, the ionic bond.