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革命和杀死沙皇都是伟大的事业吗?Revolution and regicide a grand fact?

他因弑君的行为被捕了。He was arrested for being the regicide.

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是的,抢夺谋杀杀死沙皇的思想。The idea of plunder, murder, and regicide !

把苏格兰女王玛丽斩首是弑君行为。The beheading of Mary Queen of Scots was an act of regicide.

弑君模式一开始将拥有堡垒吗?他们会向世纪帝国二一样有堡垒吗?。Will regicide games start with a fort, like they started with a castle in aok.

他终于相信,弑君是一个正义的行动和意志的上帝。He had come to believe that regicide was an act of justice and the will of God.

望着儿子无耻的嘴脸,储汉君肉痛如绞,恨不克不及亲手弑之。He looked at his son shameless faces ChuHanJun, such as ground RouTong, not the hand regicide hate means.

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三星集团的创始家族是韩国王室成员,并且韩国最高法院看起来不打算对其开刀。THE founding family of Samsung is royalty in South Korea, and the country's Supreme Court, it turns out, is not inclined to regicide.

或许就是在这个时候,在他写作,这关于弑君的论文的时候,弥尔顿开始丧失视力的。Milton probably around this time, around the time that he was writing and finishing the regicide treatises, began to lose his eyesight.

霍布斯认为,正是受这些古典作品的影响,尤其是亚里士多德和西塞罗的作品,才导致了最近内战的爆发,和对查理一世国王的处决。It was, above all, the influence of the classics, Aristotle and Cicero in particular, that Hobbes regards as an important cause for the recent civil war and the regicide of Charles I.