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每当你惊奇地凝视它时,你都能欣赏到它的美。You can enjoy its beautiful each time you stare at it in wonderment.

可能尤为重要的是,又用什么来取代能够产生泪满衣襟奇迹的古雅的情书呢?Perhaps most importantly, what could ever replace the soppy wonderment of the old-fashioned love letter?

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如今每当我想起这些,我惊叹一个成年男子要经受住这种侮辱和压力得需要多么大的勇气啊!Now when I thinking these , I wonderment a adult man endured such like insult and pressure need what how big courage!

在他的统治期间,如果沿尼罗河从纳帕塔扬帆下行至底比斯,你会发现两岸皆是他留下的宏伟的建筑。During his rule, to travel down the Nile from Napata to Thebes was to navigate a panorama of architectural wonderment.

神秘经验时刻激励着神秘和神奇的感觉-边缘系统内出现,他说。Mystical experiences -- moments that inspire a sense of mystery and wonderment -- arise within the limbic system, he said.

事实上,这一目标是这么的富有挑战性,以致你把当初看到它时的兴奋劲和新奇感忘得一干二净了。In fact, it can be so challenging that you forget the excitement and wonderment you had when you first visualized your goal.

当记者注意到市场上开始越来越多金属材质或金属感觉的家居用品时,忍不住发出了惊叹。When a reporter noted that the market began feeling more and more metal materials or metal household items, can not help sent wonderment.

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彼特安排了两个人的茶,让这两个失散多年的朋友又再次相聚,他们的友谊又得到了重生。Peter arranges Tea for Two and brings the long lost friends back together, where years of wonderment disappear and a friendship is renewed.

这周我和我的孩子们一起做了许多教育游戏,非常愉快。This week my kids and I have done so many fun and educational things together I am in wonderment about why I didn’t take this approach before.

在美国的很多客厅和地下室,以及运动酒吧里,人们因为高兴惊讶或者心碎怀疑而突然爆发出尖叫。All across America, in living rooms and basements and sports bars, people broke into cries of wonderment and delight, heartbreak and disbelief.

最初的惊叹于如此糟糕的建筑结构竟然让它支撑这么久,之后,除了爬上斜塔之外就无事可做。After the initial wonderment over how such bad architecture has managed to last so long, there’s nothing much left to do apart from climbing the tower.

其实,我是热爱电影的.甚至我发现我是个狂热的观众,但却不再为了电影的质量,而是为了看看有些电影到底能有多垃圾.这就像是在高速公路上看到了血玲玲的车祸,经不住去凑热闹一样.Look, I love movies. I even found myself to be an avid watcher of the show, not out of quality but out of sheer wonderment about how full of crap it was.

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在那位委员毫不掩饰地震惊中,列宁毫不迟疑、简单而又正中靶心地回答了我的问题,当采访结束时,这位委员又天真地表达了自己的惊叹之情。To his unfeigned astonishment the questions were answered promptly, simply, and decisively, and when the interview was ended my companion naively expressed his wonderment.

此处给人的感觉是难以言表的,但我可以很公正的说,你无法在其它地方找到这种感觉。The Stone of Accord dates back to pre-Christian times and the unspoiled feeling of the area really offers you no evidence of what time era you are in as you look around in wonderment.

我不会在期盼中度过9个月妊娠期,我要珍惜每一刻,要清楚地认识到,体内孕育着的神奇是我今生唯一一次协助上帝创造奇迹的机会。Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

我不会在盼望中度过9个月妊娠期,我要珍惜每一刻,要意识到体内生长的神奇是我今生帮助上帝创造奇迹的惟一机会。Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I’d have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

我不会盼望妊娠早日过去,而是会珍惜怀孕的每一刻,并仔细体会腹内奇迹的成长,因为这是我一生中唯一一次帮助上帝创造奇迹的机会。Instead of wishing away nine months of preg nancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

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我很赞美这新奇的哺乳类动物,圆突的头,上面有短短的耳朵,圆圆的眼睛,像猫须一般的白色瓮须,掌形带甲的脚,团簇的尾巴。I was full of wonderment at this unusual mammal, with its circular head adorned by short ears, its round eyes, its white whiskers like those on a cat, its webbed and clawed feet, its bushy tail.